KOCHI: A fire, believed to have been caused by an electrical short circuit, has burned the materials in a stationary shop’s warehouse, at Mather Bazaar in Broadway on Friday. According to local witnesses, the incident took place when a short circuit in the line started to blaze and apparently spread to the warehouse of Archana stores on the second floor of the building.“The fire flared up as the clothes and paper-made items were stored in the warehouse,” the Fire and Rescue Services personnel said. The Fire and Rescue personnel evacuated all goods from the building. “We pumped five tankers of water to douse the flames. It took more than an hour to control the fire from spreading. We cannot estimate the exact damage caused but it would be around `1 lakh,” fire and rescue officials said.Though the Fire officials had directed the KSEB to raise the electric line passing through Mather Bazaar to avoid such accidents, nothing was done in this regard. “The electric lines here are very close to the shops. Hence, there are high chances of fire accidents and electrocution,” the officials said. Earlier, ‘Express’ had published a report on the potential threat posed by the low-lying electric lines in the Broadway. In response to the write-up, the KSEB had initiated certain actions. However, these are proved not to be enough to tackle the menace.
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