Safety for women
Safety for women
BANGALORE: In the wake of current rise in the rate of crimes against females working in night shifts or travelling by night, SMS h..

BANGALORE: In the wake of current rise in the rate of crimes against females working in night shifts or travelling by night, SMS has come to the rescue again.UNICEL Technologies, a Bangalore-based enterprise messaging solution company has come up with a novel way to maximise the security of female employees in BPOs/KPOs by using SMS based solutions in the logistic/transport department. These SMSs are used for specifying cab number and scheduled pickup/drop off time; when cab leaves starting point with details of cab and driver; updates if other passengers on the route are not required to be picked up or dropped off; employees can even send confirmation SMS once they’re dropped off safely at work or at home; gives both employees and the enterprise total control of their safety and well-being round the clockThis solution can not only be utilised for BPO/KPO sector but also by the local city cab vendors to ensure the safety of the passengers.

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