Odisha: Assumed dead, man wakes up at burial ground
Odisha: Assumed dead, man wakes up at burial ground
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsThe burial of a 70-year-old man in Odisha turned into a celebration when he woke up hours after being assumed dead.The bizarre incident occurred on Friday at Singhanpur in Bargarh district, over 300 km from Bhubaneswar.Jaladhar Duduka was suffering from old age complications for the last few days and his condition had deteriorated. He was taken to the village burial ground by his relatives after they assumed he was dead.The grandson of the man was surprised when Duduka's hand started shaking when he attempted to lay him to rest, media reports said in Bhubaneswar on Saturday.The man was later examined by a doctor.first published:January 01, 1970, 05:30 ISTlast updated:January 01, 1970, 05:30 IST
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The burial of a 70-year-old man in Odisha turned into a celebration when he woke up hours after being assumed dead.

The bizarre incident occurred on Friday at Singhanpur in Bargarh district, over 300 km from Bhubaneswar.

Jaladhar Duduka was suffering from old age complications for the last few days and his condition had deteriorated. He was taken to the village burial ground by his relatives after they assumed he was dead.

The grandson of the man was surprised when Duduka's hand started shaking when he attempted to lay him to rest, media reports said in Bhubaneswar on Saturday.

The man was later examined by a doctor.

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