MKU Vice Chancellor calls for talks
MKU Vice Chancellor calls for talks
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsMadurai Kamaraj University Vice Chancellor (VC) Kalyani Mathivanan has invited the student community for discussions on Monday to end their four-day-old protest.The issues to be discussed include reopening of the hostel, reduction of hostel fee and dropping of the proposal to privatize the mess.Mathivanan told Express that she has invited two-post graduate and two research scholars from each department for the discussions. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa was paying special attention to Madurai city and the university administration has been striving hard to improve the academic standard of the university, the V-C said.Meanwhile, the MKU students have formed an association called Madurai Kamaraj University Students Association (MUSA) with two conveners and 12 committee members. “We request that hereafter, any student-related issue should be negotiated with the MUSA representatives,” said a release.It may be recalled that the students had been protesting for the last four days condemning the university administration for attempting to privatise the hostel mess and increase the mess fee from Rs 40 per day to Rs  70 and forcing them to pay up in advance. The students have also been demanding the administration to reduce the admission fees and reopen the two hostels, which were closed recently.first published:January 01, 1970, 05:30 ISTlast updated:January 01, 1970, 05:30 IST 
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Madurai Kamaraj University Vice Chancellor (VC) Kalyani Mathivanan has invited the student community for discussions on Monday to end their four-day-old protest.

The issues to be discussed include reopening of the hostel, reduction of hostel fee and dropping of the proposal to privatize the mess.

Mathivanan told Express that she has invited two-post graduate and two research scholars from each department for the discussions. Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa was paying special attention to Madurai city and the university administration has been striving hard to improve the academic standard of the university, the V-C said.

Meanwhile, the MKU students have formed an association called Madurai Kamaraj University Students Association (MUSA) with two conveners and 12 committee members. “We request that hereafter, any student-related issue should be negotiated with the MUSA representatives,” said a release.

It may be recalled that the students had been protesting for the last four days condemning the university administration for attempting to privatise the hostel mess and increase the mess fee from Rs 40 per day to Rs  70 and forcing them to pay up in advance. The students have also been demanding the administration to reduce the admission fees and reopen the two hostels, which were closed recently.

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