Man arrested with fake passports
Man arrested with fake passports
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsActing on a tip-off, the Task Force police on Friday arrested a person who had obtained three passports illegally.According to police, Guru Prasad Tiwari (46), a resident of Gun Foundry in Abids, obtained three passports on different names and addresses by not disclosing the details of previous passports, with the intention of utilising a different passport if one was rejected for a visa.Tiwari obtained a passport in his original name in the city in 1991.In 1992, he obtained another on a fictitious name of Sathguru Pershad Tivari by submitting forged documents. After obtaining his second passport, he visited USA in 1993 and stayed there till 2000.While in the USA, he obtained a third passport by falsely mentioning that he had lost his first one. Tiwari has been handed over to the Abids police station for further action.first published:January 01, 1970, 05:30 ISTlast updated:January 01, 1970, 05:30 IST 
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Acting on a tip-off, the Task Force police on Friday arrested a person who had obtained three passports illegally.

According to police, Guru Prasad Tiwari (46), a resident of Gun Foundry in Abids, obtained three passports on different names and addresses by not disclosing the details of previous passports, with the intention of utilising a different passport if one was rejected for a visa.

Tiwari obtained a passport in his original name in the city in 1991.

In 1992, he obtained another on a fictitious name of Sathguru Pershad Tivari by submitting forged documents. After obtaining his second passport, he visited USA in 1993 and stayed there till 2000.

While in the USA, he obtained a third passport by falsely mentioning that he had lost his first one. Tiwari has been handed over to the Abids police station for further action.

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