Various generous and humanitarian stories go viral on the internet every day. Recently, one such story has garnered attention: a little girl donated all her Eid pocket money to a needy family. Meanwhile, the generosity shown by the little girl has been greatly appreciated.
The festival of Eid-ul-Fitr is the biggest festival of the Islamic religion. This festival is celebrated after Ramzan. According to the Islamic calendar, Eid ul Fitr is celebrated every year on the first day of the 10th Shawwal. This year, the festival of Eid was celebrated with great pomp on April 11.
According to the latest reports, 8-year-old Marwa, who hails from Surathkal near Krishnapura on the outskirts of Mangaluru, Karnataka witnessed a heartwarming Eid festival.
On the occasion of Eid, her parents and her relatives all gave her pocket money to purchase things she wished. In total, Marwa collected 8,100 rupees.
Later, her father, Sadiq, told her daughter to buy something from the money she earned on Eid. However, Marwa told her father that she wanted to give her Eid earnings to any family in need. Since charity is one of the five obligatory deeds of Islam, she wants to do charity.
According to Marwa’s wish, the schoolgirl who died recently in her area after being hit by a truck near the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) handed over the money to her parents.
After the Eid prayer and celebration on Wednesday, Marwa went to the girl’s house along with his father and handed over Rs. 8,100, the total money she collected on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr.
As per Marwa, she has spent the money in the most meaningful way. Marwa is highly praised for her actions.
However, the unversed Eid al-Fitr is celebrated in various ways and with distinct customs in each country.
It is a prevalent tradition observed on the day of Eid known as Eidi. This tradition provides an opportunity for the younger generation to partake in the festivities while also gaining valuable life lessons through receiving monetary gifts from their elders.
The term Eidi is short for Eidiyah, which is derived from two Arabic words: ‘Eid’ and ‘Nadiya,’ meaning ‘Gifts for Eid.”
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