I will retire after three years: Actor Chandra Mohan
I will retire after three years: Actor Chandra Mohan
I have acted in more than 200 films and would like to retire completely after three years, says Chandra Mohan.

From playing small roles to growing to male lead, Chandra Mohan has done it all. He has been seen in film after film in the recent past, sometimes doing roles that many thought may not befit his stature. To him, however, making the audience happy was on the top of his mind.

"It has been 47 years being an actor. Not in a single month did I not do some film. I have always donned the greasepaint every month. I have acted in more than 200 films, and would like to retire completely after three years," he informs.

When Chandra Mohan will retire after completing his 50 years from the industry, it will be viewed as loss especially to those who still get him on board to pull off the sentimental as well as light-veined roles with his characteristic simplicity.

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