With a large number of house owners hiding information pertaining to their properties like plinth area, number of floors, usage and type of construction to avoid paying property tax, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) will use Geographical Information System (GIS) based system for proper assessment of property tax in a docket of properties.
On a pilot basis, GHMC has selected two localities and entrusted the task to the agencies. Delhi based firm, Ms Vayam Technologies was given Ward No. 1202 in Chandanagar of Circle 12 (Serilingampally).
There are about 5,918 assessments in the said ward. The other was allotted to Ms Vensoft India Pvt Ltd. The firm will take up the survey in Kapra, Ward. No. 101 which has assessment of 3,252. The two firms will have to complete the task in about one month and submit details of each house such as plinth area, number of floors, usage and type of construction. The same data should be correlated with GIS based system. They will be paid `25 per house.
Speaking to City Express, GHMC officials said that GHMC is taking up two dockets on a pilot basis and on successful completion, the same would be extended to other dockets. One docket contains approximately 2,500 and 5,000 properties. GHMC officials also said that the selected agency will use GIS to measure the buildings, find out the nature of the usage of the building, type of construction, number of floors and other related details. The private agency finally entrusted with the job has to develop GIS information for the docket of properties on its own and has to integrate GIS and MIS information house-wise. A third party verification can be done at the discretion of GHMC.
They said that the agencies have to deploy sufficient number of hand-held devices with requisite hardware and software and engage sufficient man power for operation of the project. They have to collect necessary data (non-spatial) of each parcel from the docket of properties and upload the same to GHMC main server for each parcel in a docket of properties using hand-held devices.
They will also have to generate CAD drawings for the parcels in a docket of properties using Satellite/Aerial images either supplied by GHMC or taken from public domain.
Furthermore, they have to develop GIS based system to generate tax statements for each parcel, number of floors, category of building, usage of building, multi-storeyed name, etc and compare with existing tax statements. Successful bidders have to make improvement in the assessment process of property tax of the GHMC by utilising the Information Technology and GIS.
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