Democrat to lobby for India?s nuclear pact
Democrat to lobby for India?s nuclear pact
Former Democrat Senator Birch Bayh will argue the nuclear agreement case, in the US Congress, in favour of India to win Democrats over.

Washington: India has found another lobbyist for its nuclear agreement in Washington - former Democrat Senator Birch Bayh.

Though India's nuclear agreement with the US appears to have run into fierce opposition in Congress and much of the opposition has come from the Democratic party, Bayh has decided to argue India's case on nuclear agreement with fellow Democrats.

The lobbying firm Barbour Griffith and Rogers is tackling any opposition from the Republicans and Senator Bayh's support is added bonus for India.

However, the going may not be easy for Bayh. "The State Department has made it clear that they will not send any specific language to Congress until certain steps are taken, one of which is to put together the plan."

Bayh believes that Senator Richard Lugar, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, could play a key role in moderating opposition to the deal.

Bayh thinks that it was a mistake not consulting Senator Lugar in the first place.

"Because of the confidence that was required to get the agreement between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Bush, no one consulted Senator Lugar. That was probably a mistake but it's history now."

"Senator Lugar is a smart man in the Senate, particularly on foreign policy and I don't see why he shouldn't agree with us," adds Bayh.

While India has worked hard to allay suspicions about its relations with Iran, Bayh also believes that much would depend on how India presents its plan for separation of civil and military nuclear facilities.

If the Indians can come up with their plan by March or April, he says, then Congress could clear the nuclear agreement by the end of 2006.

(With Deepanshu Bagchi in New York)

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