How to Read the Qur'an
How to Read the Qur'an
Reading the Qur’an can be a difficult undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be! You can support your reading process by doing things like choosing a copy of the Qur’an that is easier for you to read, going through the text with an app, or joining a study group. You can also employ strategies for reading that may help to improve your comprehension. Even if you struggle to understand parts of the text, keep going at your own pace. It takes some people years to finish reading the Qur’an because of the density and richness of the text.

Improving Reading Comprehension

Scan sections by looking at any headings the text includes. Scanning chapters is a good way to prime your brain before you begin reading a section of the Qur’an. Read any headings in each section before you get started. Identify what the themes or topics are for the section you are about to read. For example, if the section heading indicates that it’s about God creating Earth, then the upcoming section probably tells the Qur’an’s version of the creation story.

Break the text into small, manageable chunks. The longer you read, the less you may comprehend, so try not to read for more than 30 minutes at a time. Identify how much you can read in this time frame and keep all of your readings to about this length. You can read for shorter spans as well, such as 5, 10, or 15 minutes at a time. See what works best for you and limit your reading sessions accordingly.

Take notes as you read to identify concepts you want to return to. Keep a notepad handy while you read the Qur’an so that you can write down any interesting quotes, concepts, or questions you encounter along the way. Write down the page number and verse as well. This will make it easier for you to come back to sections that you want to explore in more depth. You can take notes on anything that strikes your interest while you read the Qur’an. Don’t censor or limit yourself. Taking notes will help you to retain more of what you read. Tip: Make sure to write any new words you encounter in your notebook as well. Look up words to find their definitions and record them in your notebook. This will help you to remember the new words and definitions in case you encounter them again.

Connect the concepts you encounter with other ideas and texts. If you’re familiar with other religious texts, connecting the stories and ideas you encounter in the Qur’an may help you to understand them better. Focus on making connections throughout the text to help make the information more approachable and memorable. For example, if you have read the Bible before, then you might draw parallels between stories in the Qur’an and stories in the Bible.

Ask questions about what you read if something is unclear. If you encounter anything that you cannot figure out, find someone who might be able to help you understand it. There are several ways you could get answers to your questions while reading the Qur’an. For example, you could: Talk with a friend or family member who is knowledgeable about the Qur’an. Visit a local mosque and talk with an imam. Search the internet for information related to your question. Go to an online forum or website and ask your question.

Using Proper Qur’an Etiquette

Treat the Qu'ran as a holy book and approach readings with respect. In Muslim culture, there are specific rules of etiquette when it comes to reading the Qu'ran, often referred to as tajweed rules. These rules mostly revolve around cleanliness, respect, and preferences about recitation. You don't have to follow these rules to read the Qu'ran, but you may want to consider them as part of your study to better understand the Islamic faith. If you attend religious services at a mosque or intend to explore the Muslim faith on a deeper level, it is helpful to be aware of and practice tajweed rules.

Wash your hands, brush your teeth, and dress in nice clothing. Always attend to your hygiene before reading your Qur’an. Imagine you are getting ready for a job interview or to meet a very important person. Get yourself ready to start your day. If you cough up phlegm at any point during your reading, make sure to pause and rinse your mouth out with water.

Sit up straight when you read the Qur’an. Don’t slouch or lean back. Try sitting in a hard-backed chair or at a desk so you will be less inclined to lean back. Don’t sit in a chair that reclines or read your Qur’an in bed. You may hold your Qur’an on your lap or on a surface in front of you, but never place it on the floor. Also, make sure that you are facing in the direction of prayer before you read.

Pause occasionally to consider what you have just read. Whenever you encounter a passage that tells a story about people or that promises Allah’s blessing, pause and consider it. Reflect on the meaning of the story or passage before you move on. Never rush your readings of the Qur’an. If you do not have time to read at a leisurely pace, choose another time to read.

Close the Qur’an when you are finished reading it. Never leave your Qur’an open after you have finished reading it. Place a book mark or make a note about where you left off, and then close your Qur’an and put it in its place, such as on a bookshelf or table. Never stack other books on top of the Qur’an. This symbolizes that they are above the Qur’an. Tip: Don’t use the Qur’an as a pillow or lean on it either. Treat it with respect.

Enhancing Readings with Texts and Tools

Get a copy of the Qur'an in your language for ease of reading. The Qur’an has been translated into more than 110 languages, so there’s a good chance that it’s available in your native tongue. Select a version of the Qur’an in the language that you feel most comfortable reading. For example, if your native language is French, read the Qur’an in French. If your native language is Chinese, read the Qur’an in Chinese.

Access an online version if you want to search for specific topics. The Qur’an is widely available in print, but you can also access an online or ebook version that allows you to search it. This may be helpful if you want to target certain topics or if you just want the option of being able to search the Qur’an. As an added benefit, accessing an online or ebook version of the Qur’an will mean that you can read it wherever you have internet access, which could be more convenient than carrying a paper copy of the book around everywhere you go.

Study English Phonology. English Phonology deals with English pronunciation. English Phonology helps in understanding pronunciation of Arabic. You can find many websites and online videos on English Phonology.

Listen to the Qur’an on audiobook or with an online recording. Depending on your learning style, you might find it easier to follow along with an audiobook version of the Qur’an. There are audiobook versions of the Qur’an available online and some e-readers will also narrate an ebook version of the Qur’an for you. An added benefit of listening to the Qur’an is that you can read at times when you normally couldn’t, such as during your commute to work or school, while exercising, or while you’re doing household chores.

Download a Qur’an app for reminders and thematic readings. An app can help you to keep up with your daily Qur’an readings by sending you reminders and breaking your daily readings up into small, manageable sections. Try QforQuaran or a similar Qur'an reading app to make it a daily habit. Some Qur’an reading apps also have plans that you can use to read sections of the Qur’an according to a theme, such as marriage, charity, or friendship.

Use a companion book to guide you through the text. If you want something to add context to your readings of the Qur’an, look into companion books. These are usually written by scholars who have done extensive research on the Qur’an and who can help you to understand difficult sections and concepts in the Qur’an. Check your local library or the community library at a local mosque to find a companion reader to guide you.

Join a Qur'an study group at a local mosque. If there’s a mosque in your area, consider checking to see if they offer any classes on reading the Qur’an or a weekly study group that you could join. This can help to make reading the Qur’an easier by providing you with a space to ask questions and a community of other people who are also reading the Qur’an. Try calling a local mosque to find out if they have any study groups you could join. Tip: There are also online Qur’an reading courses available that you could join. Just keep in mind that some of these require paying tuition or a fee.

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