How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver on Yourself
How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver on Yourself
Choking occurs when a person gets a foreign body, usually food, stuck in their windpipe, which prevents normal breathing. Choking can result in brain damage or death, and serious harm can happen within minutes. The Heimlich maneuver is the most common technique used to save a choking person. If you're choking and no one else is around who can assist you, you can save yourself. Before doing anything else, dial 911 or your local emergency number. Then, follow a few simple steps to do the Heimlich maneuver on yourself.


Try to cough out the foreign object. If you feel like you have something caught in your throat, first try to cough it out. If you can cough forcefully enough to get it out, then you should not have to perform the Heimlich maneuver. If you cannot get the object out by coughing and are struggling for air, you need to act quickly, especially if you are alone. You need to expel the obstruction before you lose consciousness. Even as you’re doing the Heimlich maneuver, continue to intentionally cough if you can.

Make a fist and place it just above your belly button. To get ready to perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself, get your hands positioned correctly first. Make a fist with your strongest hand. Place it on your abdomen just above your navel and below your ribcage, with your thumb against your belly. Make sure that your hand is in the right place so you don't hurt your ribs and are in the best position to force out the object in your airway. This fist placement is the same as in the traditional Heimlich maneuver.

Hold the fist with your other hand. Once you have your fist in place, add your other hand for leverage. Open your other hand and place it over the fist you have on your stomach. Make sure that the fist is in the center of your hand. This will allow you to push harder when you start the Heimlich maneuver.

The Heimlich Maneuver

Drive your fist in and up. To try to get the foreign object dislodged, push your fist and hand into your diaphragm or stomach area. Use a quick j-shaped motion, in and then up. Repeat this movement multiple times, if necessary. If this does not dislodge the foreign object very quickly, you need to try to add more force with a stable object.

Add force with a stable object if your hands aren’t enough. In your immediate area, look for a stable object that is about waist high that you can bend over. A chair, a table, a railing, or a countertop will work well for this. With your hands still clasped in front of you, bend over the solid object. Brace your fists between the chair and your abdomen and drive your body against the object. This will greatly increase the force you apply to your diaphragm, which may help dislodge the object more easily.

Repeat the maneuver if it doesn’t work right away. You may not be able to dislodge the object during the first try. If not, quickly repeat pushing yourself onto the stable object until the object is removed. You should return to normal breathing once it is removed. Although choking is very scary, it is better if you stay calm. Panicking will only increase your heart rate and need for air, which will make it worse. Once you have the object dislodged, sit down and catch your breath. If you find that you are uncomfortable or have pain in your ribs, abdomen, or throat, you may need to see your doctor. If you cannot get the object dislodged, call 911 or your local emergency services number.

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