How to Get Your Sleeping Schedule Back on Track for School
How to Get Your Sleeping Schedule Back on Track for School
It’s one of the best things about having three glorious months off of school. During the summer months, the average student starts staying up late into the night and then sleeping long into the morning, without the burden of blaring alarms and buses to catch. However, with the start of a new academic year comes early mornings, and it’s important to prepare your body for the change. By giving yourself some time to slowly adjust to your new schedule, you can ensure a smooth and clear-eyed start to the year.

Getting To Bed Earlier

Scale your bedtime back gradually. If you are used to going to bed at midnight, you will certainly have trouble suddenly going to bed at 8 o’clock. Instead, try going to sleep at 11 o’clock, then 10 o’clock, and so on. It can take days or weeks to change your body’s natural rhythm. It’s important to begin adjusting your body a couple weeks before school starts. Give your body and mind plenty of time to adjust. Don’t start trying to adjust your sleep schedule two nights before school starts. You didn’t become a night owl overnight, so don’t expect to become a morning person overnight either! It takes time to reset your internal clock, so start a couple of weeks before the first day of school.

Determine how much sleep you need. Different age groups have different sleep requirements. Children from 6 to 13 should be getting 9-11 hours of sleep nightly, while teenagers ages 14-17 need about 8-10 hours. Younger adults age 18-25 are recommended to receive about 7-9 hours.

Exercise daily. Exercising regularly is a great way to expend energy and ensure you sleep soundly at night. It can also help you fall asleep more quickly. Studies have shown that people who exercise at least 150 minutes a week also feel more alert and energized during their waking hours. Exercising late at night can energize you right before you need to be in bed. Try to work out in the mornings or early afternoons, and relax with more calming hobbies in the evening, such as reading.

Avoid caffeine as you begin your new sleeping schedule. Not only can caffeine make it harder for you to fall asleep, but it can also make your sleep disruptive and uneasy. By avoiding caffeine completely, you can get the deep, restorative sleep that will set you up for a successful day. If you don’t want to cut out caffeine completely, at least try to avoid it up to six hours before bedtime.

Keep electronics out of your bedroom. This means everything- phones, tablets, televisions, etc. These devices shine light into your eyes, which has been scientifically proven to promote wakefulness. Just as the sunset signals the end of the day, your electronics should go lights out too. A dark bedroom tells your brain that it is time to sleep.

Invest in a white noise machine. There are also free apps on smartphones that can provide white noise- just make sure the bright screen is off! Your brain craves stimulation, and it can be hard to turn that desire off at night. A white noise machine provides that stimulation, in a gentle and calming way. It also masks any bothersome noises from outside your bedroom that can keep you awake. You can play around with different white noise options such as thunderstorm, campfire, rain forest, and more.

Lower the thermostat. It is not easy to sleep if you are tossing and turning in a hot bedroom. As your body temperature lowers, your brain is told that it’s time to sleep. The best temperature for snoozing is anywhere from 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. If you aren’t in control of the thermostat, a ceiling fan or a portable fan can do the trick. A fan can also provide calming white noise.

Waking Up Earlier

Set your alarm earlier and earlier each day. Just like you gradually scaled back your bedtime, you should do the same with your wake up time. Make it earlier in one hour increments gradually. No matter how bad you want to hit snooze, don’t do it! It will only make waking up harder in the long run.

Expose yourself to bright light right when you awaken. This signals to your brain that it is time to wake up, and will help shake your feelings of grogginess. Open your curtains, turn on your lights, or even step outside. The bright light will perk you up and also can benefit your overall mood.

Make your bed as soon as you wake up. It’s a pretty simple chore, yet so many people skip it. Not only does it start your day with a feeling of accomplishment, but it is much harder to crawl back into a neatly made bed. Do this enough, and it’ll become a habit.

Drink a big glass of water. Your body can become dehydrated overnight, and this dehydration can increase your tiredness in the morning. By drinking a large glass of water first thing in the morning, you can restore some of the hydration you lost overnight and give yourself a quick, and easy, energy boost. Cold water can also increase adrenaline, which helps to wake you up.

Put on some music. If you’re surrounded by silence, it’s easy (and appealing) to fall back asleep. You don’t need to play the peppiest music you can think of as loud as you possibly can. Just put on some music with upbeat melodies and positive lyrics, and it'll help you transition from zombie to human. Make a "Rise & Shine" playlist on your phone to pop on during your early mornings.

Starting the Day Off Right

Eat breakfast. If your blood sugar is low, your energy is low too. By eating a hearty meal in the morning, you are “breaking fast” and giving your body an energy boost in the morning. Try to eat healthy, nutrient-dense foods to promote stable energy levels. Sugary cereals and pastries may sound appealing, but they can cause a crash after the initial surge of energy.

Stretch. Get your body moving in the morning, however you can. If you have time to exercise in the morning, that’s great. If you don’t have time for a full workout, some gentle stretching can do the trick. By moving around and stretching out your body, you get your heart pumping and blood flowing to your brain. You may also get a burst of endorphins, the “feel good” chemicals that are released during physical exercise.

Refuse naps during the day. It is normal to feel sleepy and lethargic while your body gradually gets used to your new schedule. However no matter how groggy you feel, don’t let yourself nap. Sleeping during the day will make it harder for you to fall asleep at night, and you’ll undo the hard work you did by waking up early.

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