How to Get Free Instagram Followers in One Day
How to Get Free Instagram Followers in One Day
Most of the third-party sites that allow you to get tons of Instagram followers for free are scams. So, why don't you increase your Instagram followers using your efforts? This is the most effective, easiest, way to achieve several real followers every day.

Make sure your account is private. (A private account is proven to attract more people since they would want to look at your photos)

Go to a famous Instagram user/friend and check their "followers" tab.

The list of followers is shown. Follow/request people who have more "following" than "followers"

Follow lots of people.

After one day, check your notifications! It should say "________wants to follow you. "

Now, press the user(s) that wants to follow you and press the green "✓" button. Do it to every follower that requested and wants to follow you.

Do steps 2-6 everyday for everyday followers. You will receive about 20-50 followers a day if you follow a lot of people.

After 3 weeks, download any kind of free app which lets you see who unfollows you, fans, mutual friends, non-followers, etc. A good choice is Instafollowers.

Go to "non-followers" and unfollow all of your non-followers.

Then, go to your "following" at Instagram and unfollow unimportant people/strangers that you follow. Unfollow a lot.

Repeat steps 2-10 every four weeks until you're into-famous.

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