How to Eat In Class
How to Eat In Class
It’s hard to focus on what your teacher’s saying when you’re sitting in class on an empty stomach. Eating gives you energy, which makes it easier to focus and learn. That’s why it’s important to eat a good breakfast and lunch on school days. But if you missed out on a meal, you might need to sneak a snack in class for a quick energy boost. By choosing the right snacks and using a few strategies to eat discreetly, you can eat in class without your teacher noticing.

Choosing the Right Foods for Class

Bring snacks to class that don’t make a lot of noise when you eat them. You want to be as quiet as possible when you’re eating in class so you’re not noticed by others. Stick to soft, quiet foods and avoid foods that are crunchy and loud. Some good quiet foods you can eat in class are chewy granola bars, gummy candies, dried fruit, and jerky.

Avoid eating smelly foods in class. It will be obvious you're eating if your teacher is able to smell your food. Stick to odorless foods and avoid foods like tuna, onions, eggs, steamed vegetables, and fresh popcorn.

Don’t eat greasy foods that will leave your hands all messy. Your teacher will notice if you're turning in tests and homework with fresh grease stains on them. You'll also have more of a mess to clean up after class if you get grease smudges on your desk. Avoid potato chips and fried foods like french fries.

Eat small foods that are easy to pop in your mouth. Foods like berries, candies, and chocolates are easy to eat so they’ll draw less attention. Avoid foods like subs and sandwiches that are large and more obvious.

Blend fruits and vegetables into smoothies for class. Drinking a smoothie will be much less noticeable than eating food with your hands. Just throw your favorite fruits and veggies in a blender before class and pour your smoothie into a non see-through water bottle or to-go cup.

Eating Discreetly

Open bags and wrappers before class begins. Sometimes opening up the packaging is the noisiest part of eating a snack. Doing it before your class starts will help you eat more discreetly.

Sit in the back of the classroom if there's no assigned seating. Sitting at the front of the class will make it easier for everyone to notice that you’re eating. If you know you’ll be eating a snack, try to get to class early so you can get a spot in the back row. Even better if you get a spot in the back corner of the classroom.

Take bites when your teacher's not looking. Don't eat when your teacher is facing the class or it'll be too obvious. Wait for your teacher to write on the board or grab something from their desk before you sneak in a bite.

Hide a snack using your sleeve. Pull the end of your sleeve down so it covers the snack in your hand. Bring your hand up to your mouth like you're coughing or resting your head and discreetly take a bite.This may not work well with Granola Bars and Skinnier Sleeves

Keep your food under your notebook so it's not visible. When you want some, discreetly slide the food out from under your bag and tear off a piece. Your teacher will be less likely to notice than if you were to be reaching in and out of your school bag.

Don’t talk or ask questions with food in your mouth. Everyone in the class will notice you're eating if you do. Swallow your food and avoid taking large bites in case you get called on.

Try to eat your food quickly. Don’t eat so fast that you choke or make yourself sick, but do try to eat your food at a speedier pace. It will be more obvious to people that you’re eating if you spend the entire class period slowly nibbling on your food. Make an effort to start eating your snack at the beginning of class and finishing it within 5-10 minutes.

Cleaning Up After Yourself

Throw away any wrappers or trash after class. Don't leave evidence of your snacking behind or your teacher will know that you were eating in class. Hide the trash in your school bag until class is over and then toss it out in a trash can or recycling bin. Don't throw your trash away in your classroom's trash can. Your teacher may notice and connect the dots that you've been eating in class.

Don't forget to wipe up crumbs on your desk. Leftover crumbs might get you busted with your teacher. Don't wipe the crumbs onto the floor. Instead, wipe them into the palm of your hand and then dump them into a plastic bag in your school bag. Throw the bag of crumbs away after class.

Clean up spills and grease streaks. If you know you're going to be snacking in class, bring a couple paper towels in your bag. When class is over, look around your desk for any greasy smudges or drink spills. Use the paper towels to wipe them up. Stash the used paper towels in your bag and throw them away when you get out of the classroom.

Apologize if you get caught eating in class. Don't get upset or have an attitude with your teacher. At the end of the day, you were breaking the rules and you should say you're sorry. Don't lie or make excuses because you could get in more trouble if you do that. Your teacher will be less angry with you if you show genuine remorse for eating in their class.

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