How to Deafen Members in Discord on Android
How to Deafen Members in Discord on Android
This wikiHow teaches you how to deafen a Discord user when you're using an Android. Deafening a user blocks their ability to hear other members on voice channels.

Join a voice channel on your server.

Tap a voice channel. These channels appear near the bottom of the channels list. A pop-up will appear, containing a “Connect to Voice” button and a list of connected members. You must be a server administrator or have the appropriate permissions to deafen a user.

Select the member you want to deafen.

Tap the channel member's name. The member’s User Settings panel will appear.

Check the box next to “Server Deafen.”

It’s under the “Administrative” header. This member will no longer be able to hear voice conversations on any voice channel on this server. You can deafen additional users by checking the “deafen” box on their User Settings panels.

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