Everything You Need to Know About Chaldean Numerology
Everything You Need to Know About Chaldean Numerology
Are you looking to uncover deeper truths about yourself? Chaldean Numerology is one of the oldest numerology systems that have helped people since the mid-600s BCE discover their core characteristics and traits. Now, you can learn how to calculate your Chaldean number and unlock new insights about yourself with this comprehensive guide!
Things You Should Know
  • Chaldean Numerology uses mathematics and astrology to find the vibrations linked to the letters and numbers of your chosen name.
  • The Chaldean people believed these vibrations could help us understand our goals, personalities, desires, and purpose in life.
  • Use the Chaldean Numerology chart to find correlating numbers to the letters of your name. Add them to get your sum number and simplify until you get a single number.

What is Chaldean Numerology?

Chaldean Numerology uses math and astrology to discover people’s true selves. Chaldean Numerology originates from the Chaldean people who ruled Babylonia from 625 to 539 BCE. The ancient Chaldean people believed numbers, letters, and birth dates had vibrations that let out frequencies, which were then linked to the sun, moon, and planets. These connections help us better understand our life goals, personalities, desires, and purpose. Traditional Chaldean numerologists believed life was predestined, so you should use your legal birth name. However, recent schools of thought believe in using your preferred or commonly known name because that is reflective of your true self. The Chaldean numerological alphabet system uses only 1 through 8 for their calculations. The number 9 is considered sacred. You'll only see 9 used if your name equals it.

Chaldean Numerology consists of single and compound numbers. Each letter is assigned a number based on sounds or vibrations that help you unpack specific areas of your life. Your single number represents your physical, outward self, while your compound number represents your deeper, inner self. Your compound number is the hidden characteristic of your single numbers. In some cases, your single and compound numbers are compatible; in others, they’re not. Single and compound numbers are calculated by adding up each letter of your name. However, your compound number is the total sum of your name and your single number. Each of these numbers represents specific characteristics and how they relate to each other.

Chaldean Number Meanings

Chaldean Numerology Number 1 We all know first place is the best. It means you're at the top of your game; you're a star. It's no different in numerology. Number 1 resonates with the biggest star, the Sun. For people with a single or compound number 1, you radiate with positive energy, drive, and creativity. Positive Characteristics: Independence, leadership, originality, innovation, and style-setter. Negative Characteristics: Pushy, bossy, and impatient.

Chaldean Numerology Number 2 Number 2 is associated with the Moon. Individuals with this number tend to move slowly and gently, like water. They're known for being compassionate and empathetic towards others. Positive Characteristics: Sensitive, open-hearted, honest, and charming. Negative Characteristics: Overly emotional, indecisive, and timid.

Chaldean Numerology Number 3 Number 3 resonates with Jupiter, the biggest planet in our solar system. This trait reflects the characteristics of 3s, who are eager to grow, take on new tasks, and engage in creativity. Positive Characteristics: Social, imaginative, enthusiastic, and witty. Negative Characteristics: Undisciplined, gossipy, self-centered, and scattered.

Chaldean Numerology Number 4 This number is associated with Uranus, one of the most distinguishable planets in our solar system because of its unique orbit. Individuals who share the number 4 tend to think creatively, especially when coming up with out-of-the-box solutions. Positive Characteristics: Originality, tenacity, and rule-setter. Negative Characteristics: Workaholic, headstrong, and jealous.

Chaldean Numerology Number 5 Number 5 is associated with the planet Mercury. These individuals are always looking for the next big thing. Whether that's climbing up tedious mountains or sky-diving, these people are lovers of life and action. They're typically the travelers in your life who can never seem to sit still. Positive Characteristics: Intellectual, free spirit, curious, and adventurous. Negative Characteristics: Selfish, restless, and irresponsible.

Chaldean Numerology Number 6 The number 6 resonates with Venus, the planet of love. These individuals appreciate good aesthetics, making artsy mood boards and beautiful things. Similarly, they tend to be very giving and always ready to offer a helping hand. Positive Characteristics: Artistic, attractive, nurturing, and compassionate. Negative Characteristics: Obsessive, nosey, arrogant, and self-righteous.

Chaldean Numerology Number 7 The number 7 is linked to Neptune and symbolizes intuition, spirituality, and telepathy. As the furthest planet from the sun, these individuals seek deeper truths and love looking at the world from new perspectives. They're inquisitive and intelligent individuals who thrive in high-level thinking environments. Positive Characteristics: Spiritual, deep thinker, analytical, poised, and quiet. Negative Characteristics: Fearful, repressed, unapproachable, and unpredictable.

Chaldean Numerology Number 8 Number 8 is related to Saturn and signified strength, harmonization, and wisdom. Individuals with the number 8 often deal with challenges in their lives. However, that never stops them from overcoming them. If anything, it makes them more resilient. Positive Characteristics: Ambitious, leadership abilities, good judgment, and organization. Negative Characteristics: Aggressive, thoughtless, and dissatisfied.

Chaldean Numerology Number 9 Even though the Chaldean numerological alphabet chart does not include the number 9, your name can still be equal to 9. In this case, your number shares energy with Mars. Individuals with the number 9 have a strong will, sharing the same traits as the Roman God of War, Ares, who is also linked to Mars. Positive Characteristics: Grit, determination, courage, romance, and generosity. Negative Characteristics: Aimless, impolite, resentful, defensive, and frustrated.

How to Calculate Chaldean Numerology

Use the Chaldean Numerology chart to find your correlating numbers and letters. Your first name represents how you present yourself outwardly, whereas your middle or last name represents your hidden self. For example, Dylan is 4+1+3+1+5, and Hart is 5+1+2+4. Add all the numbers in your names separately to get your sum number. Dylan = 14 and Hart = 12. 1: A, I, J, Q, Y 2: B, K, R 3: C, G, L, S 4: D, M, T 5: E, H, N, X 6: U, V, W 7: O, Z 8: F, P

Once you have the sum number, reduce your number to a single digit. For example, for the name Maria, your numbers would be 4+1+2+1+1, which equals 9. If you had a name totaling double digits like August, 1+6+3+6+3+4=24. You would then take 24 as 2+4=6. 6 would be your single number. In Chaldean Numerology, if the total sum of your name equals a master number, that means your number is associated with struggle and achievement. However, that means you have plenty of wisdom to offer to others around you. Master numbers include 11, 22, or 33.

Calculate your compound number using your total sum and single number. Take a look at the name Dylan, whose sum number is 14. By adding 1+4=5, 5 would be their single number. Therefore, their compound number would look like 14/5. The numbers 1, 4, and 5 tell them what characteristics they have and how they relate to each other. A common theme in these numbers is leadership, establishing rules, and intellect. However, for Dylan, they may struggle to find balance because of their workaholic tendencies.

Different Types of Numerology

There are four types of numerologies used to help people grow. Each type of numerology has its own unique way of interpreting numbers and helping people better understand themselves. What makes Chaldean numerology stand out from the others is its reliance on mathematics and astrology. Similarly, other numerology systems ask that you use your birth name. In contrast, Chaldean Numerology allows you to use your preferred name, as that name accurately represents your true self. Other types of numerology systems include Tamil Numerology which is also known as Indian or Vedic Numerology, which the Chaldeans were inspired by, is one of the oldest forms. Unlike Chaldean Numerology, it uses the full range from 1-9 to help others gain new information about themselves. It can also be used to help people see their futures. Kabbalah Numerology originates from Hebrew mystical science, where each alphabet letter holds a specific value and characteristic. It is used to help people accept their individual qualities to work towards self-improvement and self-growth. Pythagorean Numerology is one of the most popular numerology forms that derives from the West. It prides itself on its mathematical approach and calculations, where the numbers can be used positively or negatively. It also uses a scale of 1-9 to give people insight into themselves.

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