Angel Number 217: What It Means & What to Do When You See It
Angel Number 217: What It Means & What to Do When You See It
Are you seeing the number 217 everywhere you go? While this might seem like a coincidence at first, 217 is an angel number, or numeric message sent by your guardian angels. This particular number means you can manifest your dream reality, as long as you believe in yourself and work toward spiritual growth. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to create your ideal future, plus explain what 217 means for your love life, career, and more.
Things You Should Know
  • Angel number 217 is a sign to trust yourself and manifest your dreams. Visual your desires and use the Law of Attraction to create your ideal future.
  • Spiritually, angel number 217 asks you to focus on your spiritual growth and seek enlightenment. Pray, meditate, and attend religious services to find your purpose in life.
  • In love, 217 encourages you to open up and improve communication with your partner. If you’re single, it’s a sign to put yourself out there and have fun meeting new people.


Angel number 217 is a sign to trust yourself and manifest your dreams. Think of it as reassurance from your guardian angels that you’re capable of achieving greatness. Once you believe in yourself, you can take action with faith and confidence and make your dreams come true. Positive thinking attracts good energy into your life, and the heavenly realm is always on your side! 217 asks you to build a positive thinking mindset and let go of any self-limiting beliefs. Challenge negative thoughts by stating your best qualities out loud, and keep a gratitude journal to remind yourself of all the wonderful things life has to offer.

217 is a reminder to follow your intuition and trust in the divine plane. Your guardian angels are reassuring you that you’re on the right path toward spiritual growth. Listen to your inner voice, and have faith that the universe is on your side. Even if life doesn’t go to plan, everything is a learning experience that can help you become more confident, empathetic, and self-aware. To follow your intuition, pay attention to your energy in certain environments and around other people. If you get a bad feeling about something (or someone), interpret it as a sign to remove yourself from the situation or limit your interactions with it as much as possible.

Seeing 217 is also a sign to seize opportunities in life. This is a time of new beginnings and spiritual growth, so your angels want you to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone. While 217 suggests you can manifest your dreams, it’s your responsibility to take action so you can create the life you desire! If you struggle to push yourself and take chances, view potential challenges as opportunities to grow. Visualize your success at the beginning of a difficult task, and use positive affirmations to give yourself a boost of encouragement. Make a life plan to help you seize opportunities. Write down your goals, determine the steps to help you achieve them, and sort your plan into phases with deadlines. By breaking down large goals into smaller tasks, you’re more likely to stay motivated in the process.


Angel number 217 combines the energies of the numbers 1, 2, and 7. In numerology, the number 1 is associated with creation, ambition, opportunity, and manifesting new beginnings. The number 2 represents intuition, sensitivity, balance, harmony, and adaptability, especially in regard to working with other people. The number 7 symbolizes inner wisdom, enlightenment, and persistence. Two is the most sensitive soul plane number in numerology and its vibration is closest to that of the soul. Combined, the numbers 1, 2, and 7 encourage you to move forward on your path of spiritual development and trust in the divine plan. As long as you adopt a positive mindset and work toward fulfilling your soul’s purpose in life, you will be rewarded for your actions.


217 is a sign to focus on your spiritual growth and seek enlightenment. Your guardian angels are encouraging you to gain more knowledge and wisdom so you can fulfill your soul’s purpose in life. Let your inner voice guide throughout your spiritual journey, and seek deeper connections with the divine. By doing so, you can hone in on your spiritual gifts and become a better example for those around you—plus, feel a sense of fulfillment, clarity, and peace! To grow spiritually, find ways to increase your mindfulness and engage with your faith—pray, meditate, attend religious services, explore nature, volunteer, and practice gratitude daily.

Love & Relationships

If you’re single, 217 is a sign of new opportunities in your love life. Your angels want you to know that there’s someone in the world who is on the same spiritual journey as you, and will bring balance into your life soon. In the meantime, have confidence in yourself and put yourself out there! When you’re open to romantic possibilities, you increase the chances of meeting (and attracting) someone new. If you haven’t dated in a while, it’s totally normal to feel scared or overwhelmed. Ease into the dating pool by identifying the type of person you want to be with, and have fun meeting new people—find potential dates by using apps, taking a class, or asking friends if they know anyone who might be a good match.

If you’re in a relationship, 217 asks you to be open with your partner. Whether you’re in a short-term or long-term relationship, seeing 217 is a sign to be honest with your other half. The key to building a healthy relationship is communicating effectively, so don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind. By clearly expressing your needs and desires, you can increase intimacy and connect with your partner on a deeper level. During conversation, practice active listening to show that you genuinely care about your partner—put your phone away, give them your undivided attention, and ask them engaging follow-up questions. Move beyond surface-level topics and share personal experiences to build intimacy in your relationship. Talking about your goals, dreams, fears, and beliefs can strengthen your bond (and encourage your partner to open up to you too).

Twin Flames

If you see 217, you might be reunited with your twin flame soon. A twin flame is someone who mirrors your soul and shares the same life path as you. If you haven’t found your twin flame yet, the number 217 is a sign that they’re thinking of you. To speed up the reunification process, work on yourself so you can attract a stronger connection. Twin flames can appear in the most unexpected places, so you may run into someone special very soon! If you’re currently dating your twin flame, 217 signifies balance and harmony with your partner. Follow your intuition and seek spiritual guidance as you move forward in your relationship, and you’ll both be on track to enlightenment. When the angels guide you to your other half, there are several signs you’ve met your twin flame. Many people believe twin flames share a past life, so you may experience feelings of déjà vu when you first meet or discover you share a lot of things in common.


Angel number 217 is a sign to take action in your professional life. If you’ve been feeling stagnant or unhappy in your current position, the angels are encouraging you to take charge of your career. Whether it’s switching up your tasks, asking your boss for a promotion, or pursuing something entirely new, think of what you want to accomplish in life and make the necessary changes to get there! If you’re looking to level up in your career, increase your value by showing initiative in the workplace. Take on responsibilities without being asked, work on improving your skills in your free time, and ask your colleagues to provide honest feedback about your performance. Be sure to come up with a backup plan before quitting your job or making any serious decisions. Even if you’re unsatisfied with your career, you can always pursue your passions on the side or work as a freelancer on the weekends.


217 is a sign to visualize your desires and manifest your dream reality. Angel number 217 is considered a manifestation number, so when you see it, your angels ask you to build a positive mindset and use the Law of Attraction. Instead of dwelling on the past, focus on what you want in life and imagine your ideal future. The more specific and detailed you are, the greater the odds you’ll attract your dream reality! To use angel number 217 for manifestation, physically write down your goals in the present tense, as if they’re about to happen. Use clear and positive wording to attract good energy, and look at your goals every day to solidify your intentions. Making a vision board can also help you visualize your desires. Create a collage of images and text that represent your dream reality, and hang it in an area you pass by frequently. If you want a new job, for instance, you might post photos of the place you wish to work.

In the Bible

Biblically, 217 symbolizes faith, trust, and spiritual awakening. In Christianity, the number 1 represents new beginnings, the number 2 stands for balance and harmony, and the number 7 is associated with God’s perfection and completeness. Combined, 217 could be a reminder that if you follow the scripture and have a close relationship with God, positive things lie ahead. He will give you all the resources you need to achieve success and balance in life. In Psalm 21:7, the verse says, “For the king trusts in the Lord, through the unfailing love of the Highest he will not be shaken.” This suggests that you have the strength to stand firm in your faith, even when you’re faced with adversity or tempted by sin.

What to Do When You See 217

Identify your values and take the necessary steps to find fulfillment. Life gets hectic sometimes, and it can be easy to lose sight of what you really want for yourself. The number 217 asks you to focus in your spiritual growth and find your purpose in life, so reflect on your interests, passions, core values, and what you find meaningful. Make a list of steps you can take to fulfill your life’s purpose, and actively work on achieving these goals every day. For instance, if your life’s purpose is to maintain deep, fulfilling connections with your loved ones, you could work on being a better listener, or try to check in with them more regularly.

Take risks to improve your chances of success. Think of 217 as a sign to challenge yourself and live life to the fullest. Even though the number suggests new opportunities are on the way, it doesn’t mean you can just sit back and relax. Seek new experiences, change up your environment, and reward yourself when you try something new. Whether you start small or tackle your biggest fear, challenging yourself can make you feel more fulfilled in the long run. Take risks gradually by making little changes in your daily life. Strike up a conversation with a stranger, wake up an hour earlier, or start learning a new skill. You don’t have to make a major change to expand your horizons, and starting small can boost your confidence and courage.

Adopt a positive mindset to manifest your desires. Even if your personal or professional life isn’t ideal, your guardian angels want you to maintain an optimistic outlook. The number 217 is all about spiritual advancement and new opportunities, and by thinking positively, you can attract positive people and experiences into your life. During tough times, practice gratitude to stay positive. Volunteer in your community, give your friend a thoughtful girl, or perform a random act of kindness. Finding opportunities to help others can boost your well-being and attract good energy into your life.

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