5 Cool & Stylish Ways to Lace Nike Jordan 3s
5 Cool & Stylish Ways to Lace Nike Jordan 3s
Using unique patterns is a quick and easy way to customize your new Jordan 3s. These classic kicks have a cool retro style that only gets better with cool lacings. We’ve put together step-by-step instructions for 5 quick and easy ways to add a little flavor when you lace up your Jordan 3s.
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Loose Lacing

Lace through the outside of the bottom 2 eyelets. Thread each side of the shoe by pushing the ends of the shoelace from the outside in. Pull the ends of the shoelace to make both sides even. Check that the shoelace is flat and adjust if necessary.

Thread the shoelaces through the second set of eyelets. Cross the left shoelace to the right side. Push the shoelace through the outside of the second eyelet from the bottom. Only use the inner column of eyelets. Lace the right shoelace through the second eyelet from the bottom on the left. Thread the lace through the eyelet, pulling it from the outside of the eyelet to the inside.

Continue lacing the eyelets in this pattern all the way to the top eyelets. As you lace the shoe, hold your index finger under the shoelace before pulling it through the eyelet. This will keep your lacing loose. Check that your laces are flat before crossing to the opposite side for a cleaner look. Alternate between lacing the right and left sides to keep the lacing pattern uniform.

Thread the top eyelets from the inside out. Alternately, you can thread from the outside in on the inner eyelet and then pull through the outer eyelet from the inside out to make it more secure. If there are more than a few inches of excess shoelace, tie them into a bow. If you prefer the untied look, lace the last eyelets from the outside in and tuck the shoelaces into the shoe.

Diamond (or Lattice) Lacing

Lace the bottom of the shoe to create a bar. Face the toe toward you. Thread the bottom of the inner column of eyelets from the inside out. You will not lace into the outer column of eyelets. Pull the ends of the shoelace even.

Thread the right shoelace through the third eyelet on the left. Cross the right lace over to the left. Skip the next empty eyelet and thread through the eyelet directly above it, lacing from the outside. This is the third eyelet from the bottom.

Lace the left shoelace through the third eyelet on the right. As with the previous step, skip the next empty eyelet and lace through the one directly above it. This is the third eyelet from the bottom. Don’t forget to thread the eyelet from the outside in.

Lace each shoelace through the skipped eyelet beneath it. Hold the left shoelace and pull it through the eyelet directly below it from the inside out. This is the second eyelet from the bottom on the left side. Repeat this process with the shoelace on the right side, threading the shoelace from the inside of the second eyelet from the bottom on the right.

Thread the right shoelace through the next empty eyelet on the left. Cross the right lace over to the left, making sure to lace from the outside in. Repeat with the shoelace on the left side, weaving it over the first lace it crosses and under the second.

Thread the shoelaces through the eyelet directly below them. Lace the right shoelace through the inside of the already-laced eyelet below it. This is the third from the bottom on the right side of the shoe. You may need to work the end of the shoelace into the eyelet to make room. Repeat on the opposite side, threading the left shoelace into the eyelet that’s the third from the bottom on the left side of the shoe.

Thread the shoelaces through the next set of empty eyelets. Cross to the left side of the shoe and push the shoelace through the eyelet from the outside in. Repeat with the left shoelace, crossing over to the next empty eyelet on the right. Weave the shoelace over the first lace it crosses and then under the second.

Repeat the same lacing pattern the rest of the way up. Continue threading the right and left shoelaces diagonally across to the next available eyelet. Then, lace them through the inside of the already-laced eyelet below. Don’t lace through the top eyelets. Tuck the excess shoelace inside of the shoe.

Bar Lacing

Lace through the outside of the bottom eyelets. Make sure to use the inner column of eyelets on the bottom of the shoe. Pull the ends of the shoelaces even. This is the first bar.

Make the second bar through the third set of eyelets from the bottom. Holding the left shoelace, skip the eyelet directly above it. Thread through the next eyelet from the inside out. This eyelet is the third from the bottom of the shoe on the left side. Cross the shoelace over to the right side. Thread it through the outside of the third eyelet from the bottom to make a parallel bar.

Make the third bar by lacing through the second set of eyelets. Thread the right shoelace through the eyelet directly above it. This is the second eyelet from the bottom. Make sure you lace through the eyelet from the inside out. Cross the shoelace to the parallel eyelet on the left side of the shoe. Push it through the outside of the eyelet.

Repeat steps 2 and 3 to lace 2 more bars. Skip one eyelet and lace through the bottom of the next empty eyelet directly above it on the left side. Then cross over to the parallel eyelet on the right. Take the right shoelace and thread it through the inside of the eyelet directly above it. Cross the shoelace to the left side and push it through the outside of the parallel eyelet. The last eyelets you will thread are the second from the top. Don’t use the eyelets at the top of the shoe. Tuck in the excess laces.

Star Lacing

Thread the shoelaces through the third set of eyelets from the bottom. Skip the bottom two sets of eyelets. Lace through the third set of eyelets from the bottom from the outside to make a bar. Do not use the outer column of eyelets on the bottom of the shoe. Check that the ends are even and the lace isn’t twisted.

Thread both ends of the shoelace through the bottom eyelets. Run the right shoelace along the underside of the placket. Lace through the bottom eyelet on the same side from the inside out. Repeat on the left side.

Thread the shoelaces through the third eyelet. Cross the right shoelace to the left and lace through the third eyelet. This eyelet has already been threaded in the first step, so you may have to use a little more force to push it through. Make sure to push from the outside. Repeat with the left shoelace, crossing it over to the third eyelet on the right side. Check that your lacings are flat and adjust as necessary.

Run the right shoelace along the underside of the right placket. The placket is the strip of the shoe where the eyelets are. Skip one eyelet and then thread the shoelace through the second eyelet from the top of the shoe. Push the shoelace from the inside out.

Thread the right shoelace to the parallel eyelet on the left side. This is the second eyelet from the top on the left side of the shoe. Be sure to lace it from the outside.

Lace the left shoelace through the second eyelet from the bottom. Run the left shoelace along the underside of the placket to the eyelet second from the bottom on the left side of the shoe. This eyelet was laced in a previous step. Thread from the inside out.

Make the top point of the star with the shoelace from the previous step. Cross the shoelace to the center of the bar at the top of the shoe. This is the bar you made in the first step. Weave the shoelace over the first cross lace it passes and then under the second. Loop the shoelace around the bar from the top to make the point of the star. After passing the shoelace over the bar from the back to the front, cross it down to the eyelet second from the bottom on the right, weaving over the first and under the second. Thread through the bottom right eyelet from the outside in. Tuck the excess shoelaces into the shoe.

Loop-Back Lacing

Lace the shoelace into the bottom inner eyelets from the outside in. Pull the ends of the shoelace to even lengths. Do not use the outer column of eyelets on the bottom of the shoe.

Holding both shoelaces, cross the right over the left to make an X. Wrap the right shoelace around the left. The right shoelace should return to the right of the shoe. Pull the left shoelace to the left side of the shoe. Tug on both shoelaces to make an interlocking loop in the middle.

Lace the shoelaces through the next empty set of eyelets. Thread the right shoelace through the next empty eyelet on the right. Make sure to pull lace through the eyelet from the inside. Repeat with the left shoelace on the left side of the shoe.

Continue to twist the shoelaces and lace them through the eyelets. Once you’ve twisted the laces, thread them through the next available set of eyelets. Keep going until you’ve laced through the second from the top set of eyelets. Remember, each shoelace always returns to the same side to thread through the next eyelet. Don’t lace the eyelets at the top of the shoe.

Tie the shoelaces or leave them hanging loose, depending on your style. It’s up to you how you want to finish off your lacing. Tying your shoes will give you a more fitted look. Leaving the shoelaces hanging is more on-trend. To leave them loose, lace the eyelets second from the top from the outside. Then run each lace along the underside of the shoe. Thread to the top eyelet from the inside out to leave the shoelaces hanging.

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