The Advantages of an Asthma Action Plan During the Shift from Summer to Monsoon
The Advantages of an Asthma Action Plan During the Shift from Summer to Monsoon
Dr Arjun Khanna, Head of the Department and Senior consultant, Department of Pulmonary Medicine discusses the need for an asthma action plan

Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition characterized by inflammation and narrowing of the airways, affects nearly 34 million individuals across the country. And while gloomy skies signal the onset of the monsoon, which is a welcome respite from the sweltering summer – for those living with asthma it means worsened symptoms and conditions.

It is well-established that asthma symptoms can worsen during particular seasons. And during the monsoon, the changing weather patterns, increased humidity, as well as allergens like fungus and dampness, dust mites etc. can trigger asthma symptoms and even exacerbations.

With that in mind, having an asthma action plan tailored for the summer to monsoon months can offer numerous benefits in effectively managing asthma and ensuring a healthy and enjoyable season.

What is an Asthma Action Plan?

An asthma action plan is a written worksheet made in consultation with a doctor, which lists medications with instructions on when they should be taken, condition severity, triggers, allergies etc. and is used as a guide by asthmatics to help them take control of their condition. For patients who develop symptoms during the monsoons, it is imperative that they re-visit and update their action plan in consultation with their doctor before the first rains hit. In most cases the plan is divided into three zones –

  • Green, which is the ideal zone to be in where asthma symptoms are under control and long-term medicine is continued as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Yellow, is when symptoms are presently being experienced and quick-relief medicines need to be taken, as prescribed by a doctor
  • Red, is when symptoms are severely aggravated or an asthma flareup has been experienced – here, the action plan becomes incredibly important and immediate medical attention is needed if symptoms do not improve

Doctors use a test called peak flow rate to measure the volume of air a person can blow out of their lungs. The test helps determine if the person’s lung function is in a good range (green), a cautionary range (yellow), or a dangerous range (red).

Why is an Asthma Action Plan Important?

Early Identification and Prevention

It helps individuals identify early warning signs and take preventive measures. By understanding their triggers and symptoms, individuals can be proactive in managing their condition, reducing the risk of severe asthma attacks. The plan outlines steps to be taken during various scenarios, such as increased humidity, exposure to allergens, or sudden weather changes, enabling individuals to stay ahead of potential triggers.

Medication Management

A well-crafted asthma action plan guides individuals on proper medication management. It provides clarity on regular preventive medications, rescue inhalers, and any adjustments required based on the changing weather conditions. The plan also emphasizes the importance of adhering to prescribed medication schedules and consulting healthcare professionals for any necessary modifications, ensuring optimal asthma control. 5

Allergen Avoidance

The summer to monsoon months often bring a rise in allergens such as mold, pollen, and dust mites2. An asthma action plan educates individuals about common allergens and provides strategies for avoidance. It may include recommendations like keeping windows closed, using air purifiers, and regularly cleaning and dusting living spaces to minimize exposure. By actively avoiding triggers, individuals can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of asthma symptoms.

Preparedness for Emergency Situations

While prevention is key, it is essential to be prepared for emergency situations. An asthma action plan outlines steps to be taken during severe asthma attacks or exacerbations. It includes instructions for using rescue medications, contacting healthcare providers, and seeking immediate medical attention if necessary. By having a clear plan in place, individuals and their caregivers can act swiftly and effectively during emergencies, potentially saving lives.5

Improved Quality of Life

Having an asthma action plan specifically designed for the summer to monsoon months promotes better disease management, ultimately leading to an improved quality of life. By following the plan’s guidelines, individuals experience fewer asthma symptoms, reduced frequency of hospital visits, and enhanced overall well-being. The ability to engage in outdoor activities, enjoy the season, and participate in social events without the constant worry of asthma exacerbations adds to a more fulfilling and enjoyable lifestyle.

Empowerment and Education

An asthma action plan empowers individuals with knowledge and self-management skills. It educates them about their condition, triggers, and appropriate response strategies. By understanding their asthma and actively participating in its management, individuals gain a sense of control over their health. This knowledge equips them to make informed decisions, effectively communicate with healthcare professionals, and advocate for their needs.

An asthma action plan tailored to current changes in season plays a vital role in effectively managing asthma and ensuring a smooth transition through changing weather patterns. It is essential for individuals with asthma to work closely with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized action plan that addresses their unique needs and circumstances. With proper guidance and self-management strategies in place, individuals can navigate the season with confidence and minimal disruptions.

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