Finding Calm In Chaos: How Glimmers Can Trigger Joy And Peace
Finding Calm In Chaos: How Glimmers Can Trigger Joy And Peace
We all experience glimmers, or fleeting experiences, throughout the course of our daily lives. We may take action to lessen tension and increase relaxation in our lives by becoming aware of and fostering these glimmers

Although our daily lives can be filled with various stressors and triggers that cause discomfort and emotional outbursts, it’s possible to find moments of peace and calm amidst these challenges. These moments, known as “glimmers,” can be found in small ways throughout our daily routines. By recognizing and cultivating these glimmers, we can take steps to reduce stress and increase relaxation in our lives. This may involve engaging in activities that bring us joy, practising mindfulness or meditation, or simply taking breaks to go for a walk or do something we enjoy. While we may not always be able to control the triggers in our lives, we can control our reactions to them and find ways to prioritize our own well-being and peace of mind.

In a recent Instagram post, psychologist Nicole LePera discussed the concept of “glimmers,” which are moments of peace and connection that can be found amidst the stressors and triggers of daily life. According to LePera, glimmers are the opposite of triggers, and occur when we are fully present in our bodies, feeling open, grounded, and connected.

The expert goes on to explain that when we experience glimmers, our nervous system receives cues that signal safety, helping us to regulate our emotions and shift into a more relaxed, parasympathetic state. These moments of groundedness and connection can be cultivated through practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and engaging in activities that bring us joy. By prioritizing these glimmers in our lives, we can reduce stress and increase our overall sense of well-being.

Some signs of glimmers, according to the psychologist, are that you feel at ease, hopeful, interconnected with people and that your life holds value.

A post shared by Dr. Nicole LePera (@the.holistic.psychologist)

However, Nicole says that, unlike triggers, we have to consciously make an effort to seek glimmers. Here’s what you can do according to the psychologist:

  1. Feel the morning sun: The calmness of the soft rays of the sun early in the morning helps. It gives a feeling that a new day has arrived that will give us the courage and energy to face our issues.
  2. Admire nature: There is nothing more peaceful than strolling amid a blooming garden or sitting casually and taking in the beauty of your surroundings. More than anything it can calm your mind and soul.
  3. Hugging or conversing with your partner: The warmth and intimacy that you receive from your partner can be extremely reassuring. The emotional safety you are seeking can come from their support and understanding.
  4. Creating something beautiful: It can be a small piece of poetry, an artistic painting, or simply a dish. What’s important is that you are happy about your creation.
  5. Do things that make you feel satisfied: You can spend time with your pets, or just play your favourite song on a loop. Dance in the middle of the room or go swimming in the wide ocean. Do what brings you a feel-good experience.

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