Twitter Employee Marks Last Day at Work by Taking Down Donald Trump's Account
Twitter Employee Marks Last Day at Work by Taking Down Donald Trump's Account
"Earlier today @realdonaldtrump's account was inadvertently deactivated due to human error by a Twitter employee," the company said in a tweet.

Washington: A Twitter employee on their last day with the firm was responsible for taking down Donald Trump's account, the firm said Thursday, as the president resumed tweeting after the 11-minute outage.

Twitter initially said the account had been "inadvertently deactivated due to human error", but later indicated it was a prank by a departing worker.

"We are conducting a full internal review," it said on the official Twitter Government account.

The outspoken president has 41.7 million followers on his personal Twitter account, which he uses to blast controversial and attention-grabbing comments — often in the form of early morning "tweetstorms."

The outage ignited speculation over whether the account had been deliberately disabled by Twitter, but when normal service resumed the debate gave way to online mirth.

Trump's official White House account, @POTUS, which has 20.9 million followers, was apparently not affected by the outage.

After the account was restored Trump did not tweet about the vanishing act, but made several posts on other topics.

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