Why US Youth Uses Black Sesame Seeds To Get Rid Of Grey Hair
Why US Youth Uses Black Sesame Seeds To Get Rid Of Grey Hair
Black sesame seeds are called Hei Zi Ma in China and the residents believe that this makes the white strands of hair turn black.

Getting grey hairs is inevitable as they are an integral part of the ageing process but hamper people’s self-esteem when they start to have them before their 30s. As per a market research company YouGov, one-third of the American youth are suffering from premature ageing before reaching their 30s. Now, according to a report published in the Daily Mail, they have come across a formula to solve this issue.

As published in the report, the American youth have turned to consuming traditional medicine known as black sesame seeds and jaggery (gur). They also apply onion juice and coconut oil to their hair to get rid of the white strands. The Americans believe that their hair will never turn grey after undertaking these solutions as coconut oil increases blood circulation. Apart from these remedies, people can also get their hair coloured, but American residents refrain from following these solutions. They believe that these methods can harm the hair.

Not just the Americans, the Chinese natives have also been using these solutions for a long time now. Black sesame seeds are called Hei Zi Ma in China and the residents believe that this makes the white strands of hair turn black. On the other hand, Jaggery is called Qi in China increases blood circulation levels and is believed to keep the hair healthy. Onion juice is most commonly used in South Asian Ayurvedic medicine to deal with the problem of heatwaves. It is a storehouse of sulfur and also helps boost the strength of hair preventing them from turning grey.

Besides the black sesame, jaggery, onion juice and coconut oil, liquid chlorophyll is also of extreme importance for the hair. Massaging liquid chlorophyll on the scalp can also prevent the problem of hair loss. As per reports, if liquid chlorophyll is kept in a copper vessel and then applied to the hair, it prevents it from turning grey. Montreal-based renowned singer Rosamaria La Posta is only 31 years old but uses liquid chlorophyll as she wants her hair to remain black.

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