UK Woman Nearly Dies After Following Carrot Juice 'Cancer Cure' From Social Media
UK Woman Nearly Dies After Following Carrot Juice 'Cancer Cure' From Social Media
The resident of Crondall in Hampshire used to drink nearly 13 cups of carrot juice every day following the routine mentioned in the video.

Whenever we fall ill, we generally visit the doctor. We follow the instructions of the doctors regardless of the severity of the illness. In case of serious conditions, we always try to abide by all the bits of advice the doctor gives. But nowadays, some people trust social media remedies more than doctors. Today, we will talk about one such woman who followed a remedy she found on social media despite having cancer. She almost died after following the diet shared on the Internet.

According to reports, a woman from the United Kingdom named Irena Stoynova was suffering from cancer for a long time. The 39-year-old woman was diagnosed with cancer in 2021. In a viral video, she saw that carrot juice can cure cancer. She was convinced of the remedy and immediately bought a juicer and started her juice diet. She consumed juices of a variety of vegetables and fruits but primarily focused on carrot juice. The outcome of the homely remedy was so dangerous that she was on the verge of losing her life.

The resident of Crondall in Hampshire drank nearly 13 cups of carrot juice daily following the routine mentioned in the video. Instead of getting cured, her health condition deteriorated. She completely maintained the juice diet believing that carrot juice can cure cancer. She even ignored chemotherapy and continued with her homely treatment. But eventually, she became weak and had to be admitted to the hospital. By then, her lower abdomen, legs and lungs were filled with fluid and she had lumps all over her body. Talking about her experience Irena said, “I couldn’t breathe because there was fluid on my lungs, I lost around 20 kilograms because of this dieting.”

As she visited the hospital, Dr Clare Rees, consultant haematologist at Frimley Health NHS Foundation immediately started her treatment. The Doctor said, “This was an extreme situation and genuinely in the first 24 hours of Irena’s admission, I was unclear whether she would survive this or not,” according to a report by Sky News.

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