In this digital age, modern parents offer smartphones to their children to keep them engrossed. However, as time passes, this babysitting technique appears to backfire on parents, as kids can’t seem to steer away from their mobile phones. This unhealthy addiction to phones has a negative effect on a child’s mental and physical well-being. Like it did on an 11-year-old girl who demanded an iPhone 15 Pro Max from her parents just under peer pressure. Sharing the agony on Reddit, the user expressed that her daughter thinks that they are ‘ruining her life’ as they were considering giving her an iPhone 13 instead of the model she wants.
Sharing his story, the Reddit user wrote, “I have an 11-year-old daughter. We gave her an old iPhone 8 of mine two years ago. She mainly uses it for calling and texting with friends and on social media. Recently, she’s been wanting a new phone because hers was old and all her friends have new phones. So, I thought the iPhone 13 would be a good option as it’s 600 dollars, has a good camera/battery life, and it looks the same as every other iPhone.”
The user then added that her daughter specifically wanted the iPhone 15 Pro Max because she is a gamer, and apparently the iPhone 15 Pro Max plays console-level games and has a 120 Hz display. In the next few lines, the user wrote that he explained to her daughter that she would be getting an iPhone 13, but she’s adamant on the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which costs double the cost.
“Honestly, I think it’s a waste of money and said no. My daughter then got mad at me and said I’m ruining her life and that her best friend has a 15-pro max. My wife is considering getting the phone and telling my daughter it’s a big gift,” the post concluded.
AITA for ruining my daughters lifebyu/Able_Text5286 inAITAH
The post was shared on Reddit six days ago, and till now it has accumulated over 9,200 upvotes. The share went viral, pulling tonnes of comments from users who criticised the parents for giving her the phone and allowing her to use social media at this tender age.
A Reddit user commented, “If you get her the phone she wants, you’re teaching her that her drama-behaviour gets her everything she wants. It will be a downward spiral from there, trust me.”
“Just because her friend has one, doesn’t mean she gets one too. This is a great lesson in the differences in family incomes. If my 6-year-old can understand that we don’t always get the expensive things, I’m sure your 11-year-old can too. She might not be happy about it, but it is what it is. Good luck!!!” wrote another.
An individual expressed, “Who’s the parent? Don’t let your daughter guilt you into something, an iPhone 13 is still a new and good phone. your daughter is at that age where she’s comparing herself to her friends and u don’t want her to think she needs everything everybody else has. If you can afford an iPhone 15 for her, I honestly think you should create a way for her to “earn it” so she doesn’t learn to expect to get whatever she says.”
“In what world does an 11-year-old need a phone? I don’t really think any kid requires a phone until he/she is 14/15. If she’s a gamer, why does she not ask for a PS5/ Gaming laptop/PC instead. They are far better than a phone. No kid needs something that’s like 1200 dollars. YTA for even listening to her unreasonable demands,” mentioned an individual.
“SHE IS ELEVEN. THE END. The answer should be NO,” joined another.
“She’s 11. Why is she even on social media? Why are you arguing with her as if you aren’t the adult here? If you want to make an insufferable monster then yes give in. Maybe you should take her to volunteer somewhere so she sees just how little some people have. What a nightmare,” a user remarked.
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