Asked 'How You Got Here Today', Candidate's Answer Results In Job Rejection
Asked 'How You Got Here Today', Candidate's Answer Results In Job Rejection
Other users couldn't help but laugh and were reminded of their own silly mistakes in the interview.

Let’s agree on this most of us have messed up the job interviews many times due to some mistakes which make up for humorous memories in the future. A social media user has posted a similar incident on the social media platform Reddit. On the Reddit site, a question was asked,” What’s the earliest you’ve messed up a job interview? The user replied, “I was asked: tell me how you got here today. And I said: by bus. I got a stone-cold stare as the realisation hit me… he meant in my career not to the physical office. The remaining 58 minutes were going through the motions.”

What’s the earliest you’ve messed up a job interview? byu/That_Comic_Who_Quit inUKJobs

Other users couldn’t help laughing and were reminded of their own silly mistakes, as well, in the interview. One of the users wrote that he was asked a question regarding his background. Maybe not accustomed to answering such questions, but the user said that he turned backwards. Then, moving his face towards the video camera, he replied that it was some sort of a mirror. His doubts were clarified when the interviewer said that he was asking about his background in work. The user ended the question that he still hasn’t recovered from that incident.

Comment byu/That_Comic_Who_Quit from discussion inUKJobs

Another user was reminded of the incident when the interviewer asked him whether he had his driving license and a car. When the user answered in affirmative, the examiner further questioned him that is it clean or not. At this point, the interviewee answered that he had cleaned it the other day. The job-seeker was taken in for a surprise when the examiner told him that he was asking about the license.

Comment byu/That_Comic_Who_Quit from discussion inUKJobs

An interview does not include a curriculum vitae only but also one’s knowledge, punctuality, discipline and speaking skills, as well as dressing sense. It is, therefore, essential that you are required to create an impression in the very first meeting. Some tips that you need to follow are- making a strong first impression begins with maintaining a neat and professional appearance. Confidence and a positive attitude come naturally when you feel good. In the interview, these nonverbal cues are crucial along with the verbal ones.

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