Cradle Fund CEO Nazrin Hassan Dies After Phone Explodes While Charging At Home
Cradle Fund CEO Nazrin Hassan Dies After Phone Explodes While Charging At Home
Hassan had two smartphones, one Blackberry smartphone and the other was a Huawei phone.

Cradle Fund CEO, Nazrin Hassan, 45, died last week after one his mobile phones exploded while charging. According to reports, one of his two smartphones exploded while charging next to his bedside. Some reports claim the fire spread across the room due to the mattress catching fire, leading to the CEO’s death, while others claim that broken bits of the phone hit Mr Hassan on the back of the head which led to “trauma". The police, however, concluded that Hassan died due to smoke inhalation after being trapped in the bedroom fire.

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"The post-mortem report concluded the cause of death as being a complication of blast injuries attributable to an exploding handphone that was being charged next to him." Said the official statement issued by Cradle Fund. The statement also said, "Cradle has lost a passionate, innovative and humble leader and the startup community has lost an inspiring leader. His vision and love for innovation will always be at the core of what we do. Nazrin loved his work, but his greatest love was for his wife and children."

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According to The Malaysian Insight, Hassan’s brother-in-law said the following in a message on social media, “He had two phones, one Blackberry and a Huawei. We don't know which one exploded. Who would have thought such an innocuous routine procedure is the reason three young kids will grow up without their father by their side."

Hassan was educated in the United Kingdom and had a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Buckingham. He spent over 15 years promoting early-stage funding for tech startups. The Malaysian Ministry of Finance owned Cradle Fund which helped fund tech entrepreneurs and start-ups.

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