Court seeks report on Ugandan woman's complain of mischief during raid
Court seeks report on Ugandan woman's complain of mischief during raid
Bharti already has three FIRs registered against him for the raid and the opposition parties have been demanding his resignation.

New Delhi: The Khirki extension midnight raid continues to haunt the Aam Aadmi Party and Delhi Law minister Somnath Bharti. A Saket court on Saturday sought a report from the DCP South on the complaint of a second Ugandan national who had sought that an FIR be filed against the mob that misbehaved with her during the raid.

Bharti already has three FIRs registered against him for the raid. On Friday, Bharti chose to attend a kite flying festival and failed to appear at the Delhi Commission for Women and instead sent his lawyers.

DCW chief Barkha Singh said, "Bharti's lawyer misbehaved and shouted at me. I am going to complain to the Lieutenant Governor."

Meanwhile, political pressure continues to grow as opposition parties are demanding Bharti's resignation and have urged Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to act against him. On Friday, the AAP released a video which according to it shows that the African women exchanging drugs. The party said that the video showed that Bharti did nothing wrong.

Bharti had conducted a raid in Khirki extension and accused the Ugandan women of being involved in prostitution and drug trafficking.

AAP spokesperson Dilip Pandey said, "There were rumors that the AAP volunteers caught those foreign women whereas they were caught by the police. Video itself is the proof as it shows exchange of white powder inside the car."

The Ugandan women continue to stick by their statement. One of them said, "Being black is a problem. They used racist remarks."

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