Summer Holidays On? From Coding to Cooking, Offbeat Activities to Make Best of Breaks
Summer Holidays On? From Coding to Cooking, Offbeat Activities to Make Best of Breaks
From coding to learning a new language, here are some fun activities that children can do during summer holidays that will also act as a learning experience

Research has shown that extracurricular activities aid in the general development of children’s personalities. As the summer break approaches, parents too are scrambling to find online summer activities to keep their children engaged. Several families that will not be travelling or partaking in other outdoor leisure activities are exploring unique activities for their children. Here are some fun activities that children can do during summer holidays that will also act as a learning experience:


In this digital world, coding has evolved as an important part of education and every operation all around the globe. Coding provides children with new skills and tools to help them become digital makers, as well as improves their problem-solving skills, and brings new channels for their creativity. It is critical to start teaching your child coding from a young age in order to prepare them for the future. This is one of the most ideal ways to make the most of the summer vacation. In just one hour every day, your child can become a budding coder.

Cooking and baking

Today’s children like participating in a variety of exercises, and being praised for modest accomplishments boosts their confidence. Engage your child in baking and cooking activities and have them complete the measures to help them develop critical thinking skills and brush up on their concepts. It is important to allow them to come up with their own experiments as well. Cooking enables students to explore their senses while also keeping them structured. Make kids mindful of the importance of food and that it should not be wasted. Such lessons will be valuable throughout their lives.


You will often spot drawings of flowers, lines, or different geometric designs in the margins of your child’s notebooks. Children frequently doodle pictures of objects or people during long lectures or boring sessions. Doodling offers various cognitive benefits and improves your child’s motor skills in addition to boosting memory. Doodle lessons aid in the development of mind-mapping and radiant thinking, which has a positive impact on focus and creativity.

Learning a new language

Helping children keep up with an additional language can be difficult during the extended school breaks – specifically if you’re a parent with limited knowledge of the language your child is learning at school. If you’re pondering about teaching your child a foreign or a new language, evaluate the advantages that learning this ability could provide in the future. Children who study a second language are more creative, better at tackling complicated problems, and typically score higher on standardised examinations, according to research. On a personal level, the more languages an individual understands, the more people and resources from other cultures and countries he or she will have access to.

Learning Yoga

What could be healthier for your child than learning and practising yoga? Children are extremely flexible during their formative years, and teaching them yoga from the start will help them break free from their inflexible bodies. In sports and dancing, having such a flexible body is quite beneficial. Yoga sessions for your child should be a must throughout the summer vacation because they provide numerous benefits.

Content Writing

Children can get a taste of the real world by enrolling in programmes that teach them how to write content. Summer vacations are a great time to relax and unwind after the school year. Taking a short-term course could help you learn a new skill that aligns with your long-term goals. In reality, short courses can be an effective model to supplement your education, especially for students who will be entering the real world soon. Creative writing allows children to use their imaginations and use their creative minds. This course is a must-have for children who desire to be skilled and renowned writers.

Theatre Art

Theatre Art courses for kids will allow them to pursue a career in the performing arts for those who have the interest or simply learn new skills to share with their family and friends. Performing arts are a great way to spend the vacation period. Children acquire a variety of theatrical abilities, such as singing and acting, as well as technical and background skills like lighting and sound. Theatre camps provide training in the performing arts for productions such as musicals and stage plays. Scene study, cinematic acting, stage combat, and other topics are covered. This can help teach children and teenagers how to sing, dance, and act so that they may perform better not only on stage but also in life.

— Authored by Harshada Keer – Activities & Events Coordinator-Senior School Spanish Teacher-International Curriculum, Aditya Birla World Academy

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