What To Do When Your Feelings Are Being Questioned?
What To Do When Your Feelings Are Being Questioned?
Encountering individuals who struggle to understand our feelings can be challenging, but there are ways to navigate such situations with grace and resilience.

Emotions are inherently subjective, differing from person to person. It’s crucial not to blame others when they may not fully understand our feelings. While those around us might not grasp the depth and importance of our emotions, it’s essential not to be disheartened by their lack of comprehension. Encountering individuals who struggle to understand our feelings can be challenging, but there are ways to navigate such situations with grace and resilience.

Therapist Klara Kernig, in an Instagram post, mentioned, “When faced with someone who challenges how you feel, it’s not just about the words you use in response. It’s also about how you maintain your self-respect and emotional balance.”

  1. Stay groundedRemaining grounded is vital in such instances. It’s important to remind oneself that feelings don’t always require external validation from others.
  2. Be honestThis is an effective way to combat those who do not validate your emotions. Telling them how you feel and why can help them understand us better. This goes a long way towards helping relationships survive.
  3. Practice self-compassionSuch circumstances can cause anyone to question their emotions. It is critical to be self-compassionate, assertive, and confident in such tough and challenging circumstances.
  4. Set boundariesSetting clear and appropriate boundaries with individuals who don’t validate one’s emotions is crucial. Instead of reacting impulsively, effective communication is key – expressing what is desired and undesired in the specific situation and the broader relationship. Additionally, it’s important to learn the skill of disengaging from conversations that may not be productive or conducive to one’s well-being.
  5. Reflect on the relationshipRepeated invalidation might signal a need to reevaluate whether this relationship is right for you. Instead of feeling hurt in the situation, one should ask for clarification from the other person.
  6. Seek supportive spacesWe should look for places and people who understand how we feel, give us the freedom to feel how we want and guide us through this emotional journey. Furthermore, the person might be a little distressed if they can share their concern with someone without fear of being judged.

In conclusion, the therapist added that “ feelings are inherently valid because you feel them. Remember, you’re not alone in this.” She added that everyone goes through a similar phase.

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