Try These 6 Simple Exercises That Can Help You Lose Weight
Try These 6 Simple Exercises That Can Help You Lose Weight
Regular thirty minutes of workout at home can do wonders for your body. Read below to find out what exercises can be practiced on daily basis in order to stay fit and healthy.

Weight loss is currently one of the hottest topics around the world. Everyone wants to get slimmer and leaner. A majority of people believe that dieting and healthy eating can provide them with the desired results, which is not entirely wrong. However, in addition to a healthy food intake, one must exercise regularly, which will help them achieve the desired results.

Having said that, most of us tend to have a tight or busy schedule which restricts us from hitting the gym. So if you are unable to spend time at the gym then there is a solution for you all. Here's a list of 6 exercises which will not take more than 30 minutes of your time. You can practice them with ease at your home in order to stay fit and healthy, (via

1. Jumping Jacks and Side Lunges

Jumping Jacks are one of the most common exercises that involve full body stretching and they are good for bone health, reduces stress and also aids in muscle growth. On the other hand, side lunges help to tone thighs. It also works for hips, glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings among others.

2. Squats and Jog in Place

Squats involve quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves and help in the muscle building, as per experts. Jogging in place, at a fast pace helps in burning a lot of calories too.

3. Burpees and Lunges

Burpee is an intense workout which burns a ton of calories. And lunges is one of the popular body weight exercises that work on hips, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core among others.

4. Jump Rope and Mountain Climbers

Skipping is one of the common cardio and effective fat burning exercises. On the other hand, mountain climbers which are a compound exercise work on many muscle groups and joints. It not only promotes fitness but also helps to promote heart health.

5. Side Kicks and Lunge kicks

Kick based workouts mostly work on lower body's muscle groups and cores. If you want to tone your butt then these two are best exercises.

6. March in place and Planks

Planks are one of the core strengthening exercises and it also helps to lose calories. Marching in place targets many parts of the body including glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves and core among others.

Practicing every exercise for two minutes each. Repeating all the six workouts twice and taking a thirty seconds gap between each exercise is the key to have healthy and fit body. Swearing upon this workout routine, along with healthy eating or dieting will help you lose weight.

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