This Season, Fight Dengue Fever by Adding These Foods to Your Daily Diet
This Season, Fight Dengue Fever by Adding These Foods to Your Daily Diet
Dengue fever has no prescribed medication and thus, a lot of rest and the right diet is the only way to recover from the disease.

Every year, nearly half of the world population is at risk of catching dengue, a mosquito borne viral infection that often turns lethal, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says.

Transmitted by female mosquitoes mainly of the Aedes aegypti species and to a lesser extent the Aedes albopictus, it is widespread throughout the tropics, with rainfall, temperature and unplanned urbanisation being catalysts to its growth.

Dengue fever has no prescribed medication and thus, a lot of rest and the right diet is the only way to recover from the disease. It is extremely important to take effective care and preventive measures. If a person feels feverish and experience body pain paired with rashes, they should immediately get checked for dengue. A drop in platelet count is usually indicative of the disease.

Here are a few foods that can propel a person towards recovery by increasing platelet counts, according to a report in Pinkvilla.

Broccoli: Broccoli is a great source of Vitamin K, which helps to regenerate blood platelets and should be included in the daily diet of dengue patients.

Pomegranate: Rich in nutrients and minerals that provide the required energy, it helps patients fight exhaustion and fatigue. Being a rich source of iron, it also helps maintaining blood platelet count.

Spinach: A rich source of iron and omega-3 fatty acids, it helps improve the immune system.

Papaya leaves: Papaya leaf extract increases platelet count and is perhaps the best home remedy for dengue.

Coconut water: Consumption of coconut water is a must as it provides all the minerals and electrolytes that the body requires after it has lost them due to dehydration.

Citrus fruits: Packed with vitamins and daily nutrients, they help dengue patients in a speedy recovery. Consumption of citrus fruit juices like orange juice helps in digestion and increases urinary output of dengue patients.

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