Thanksiving Holiday Expected to Draw 28.5 Million Air Travellers in US This Year
Thanksiving Holiday Expected to Draw 28.5 Million Air Travellers in US This Year
Airlines are expected to add 86,000 seats every day to the marketplace to accommodate the rise in demand.

Over the 12-day Thanksgiving period, 28.5 million passengers are projected to take to the skies on US airlines, marking a three percent increase from last year.

According to advocacy group Airlines for America, an average of 2.38 million passengers are expected to fly each day between November 17 and 28.

To accommodate the rise in demand, airlines are expected to add 86,000 seats every day to the marketplace -- a three percent increase over 2016.

The busiest flying day over the Thanksgiving holiday? That day is projected to be Sunday, November 26, with an estimated 2.88 million passengers expected to make a return flight home following the festivities.

After November 26, the next busiest travel days are set for Wednesday, November 22 and Friday, November 17.

The lightest travel day is predicted to be November 23, Thanksgiving Day.

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