Radio, as a medium, has probably seen more than any other medium. Every now and then, it has been pronounced dead but it’s still alive and kicking. Radio jockeys have been phenomenal in keeping it going. Palak Khurana is one such vibrant RJ. Here she answers all the pertinent questions.
At a time when radio was believed to be a dying medium, you’re marching ahead with more creative lookouts.
While you can say that digital/OTT platform have become popular in the last few years, radio is still a very relevant medium. I don’t think any other medium (except probably local newspapers) can give you a flavour of local news and what is happening in your neighbourhood. However, what differentiates radio from all other mediums is the ability to engage with audience in a real-time manner. I think radio brings joy to a lot of people’s lives and that is what keeps me going
Being an RJ is all about spontaneity and current affairs. How do you prepare for it?
There is no one way of preparing for it – you just have to keep your eyes and ears open. I try to keep myself updated about what is happening using a variety of ways – reading & watching news, social media and most importantly - talking to everyone around me. You never know who gives you an interesting story – sometimes speaking to my maid or the guards in my building helps me understand what matters most to them. People from all different walks of life listen to radio and it is important that we talk about issues that matter to each of them
People usually connect with RJs through their voices and not faces. Is it a hindrance or blessing?
I think this was true a few years back when RJs and the audience could connect through voice. It is a blessing in a way that since you aren’t looking at the other person, you focus all the attention on what he/she is trying to say. However, you also can’t see any expressions – which is a hindrance.
However, today, almost all RJs actively engage with their listeners on social media. It also gives us a chance to engage with our audience outside the 3-4 hour window of our shows
How important is the purity of language and grammar for you? Can a little dilution work?
Yes command over a language is very important, having said that stick to the language you know and be proud of it. Also if you don't know how to pronounce a certain word or a phrase it's better to avoid it rather mispronouncing it. While we do use colloquial words to relate to people it's important to know the correct usage.
Where do you see the work profile of RJs heading in next two years?
I think most people would consider RJs as entertainers. However, with advent of social media, I believe the role of RJs has evolved into that of an influencer. And we take this seriously – we at Radio City believe in using our platform for the social good. Like we recently ran a campaign in partnership with ‘Kavach’ to raise awareness about menstrual hygiene and helped distributed menstrual hygiene kits to underprivileged girls in Mumbai.
Similarly, our campaign to clean beaches , put solar street lights on scantily lit roads , save water by urging restaurants to serve ‘cutting paani’ etc are just few ways where we contribute to the society. In future, you will witness more and more radio personalities taking up causes close to their heart and bring about more change.
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