Boost Your Workout Results With Massage
Boost Your Workout Results With Massage
To give your performance a boost, February is a great time to introduce new aspects to your training that will help you get even more out of your workout.

Starting to see some impressive results from your New Year workout regimen? To give your performance a boost, February is a great time to introduce new aspects to your training that will help you get even more out of your workout. Here we suggest how to boost your workout results with massage, which will also help your body detox and enjoy some well earned recovery and relaxation.

Sport massage

Probably the best well known massage for regular exercisers, a sport massage is particularly beneficial when training to allow you to recover, assess and treat minor injuries before they become worse, reduce the risk of future injury and relieve tender areas.

It is not the most relaxing of massages and can be uncomfortable as muscles can be sore, but the benefits are well worth it.

Tui na massage

Tui na is a traditional Chinese massage but with a firmer and more vigourous technique to not only relax but also improve muscle and joint pain -- great for when you've been working out.

It can also help improve sleep, important to rest and recover the body after hitting the gym, and can also reduce stress, which could help you shift any stubborn pounds.

Chi Nei Tsang massage (Taoist abdominal massage)

With a modern diet of stress, lack of sleep, and too much highly processed and high-sugar food, many people struggle to soothe their stomachs, reporting poor digestion and excess abdominal fat.

Derived from qi gong, Chi Nei Tsang massage reportedly helps to calm the nervous system and has a calming and detoxifying effect on the body.

Shiatsu massage

A study published back in 2014 suggested that shiatsu massage could aid sleep, important for overall health and well-being but also for recovery of muscles after a workout.

The small study found that self-administered pressure techniques of shiatsu, the traditional Japanese massage, may help the body to prepare for sleep and help insomnia sufferers stay asleep for longer.

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