Work worries: Operation pink slip!
Work worries: Operation pink slip!
What professionals are doing to consolidate their position at work

Are you worried about getting the pink slip? What are you doing to enhance your position in your company? These men and women share their strategies.

My friend got the pink slip, already!

Gaurav Banerjee, a 28-year old banker from Kolkata, recently got engaged, and is looking forward to getting married next year.

Pink slip woe: Of course, I am worried.

Why? My friend in Bangalore just got laid off two days back. He was an investment banker. He told me that he was called to his manager's office, and his manager was terribly apologetic while he handed the papers over to him. He told him, "If I could have done something about this, I would have."

Hence, the deal is, it's not like the bad guys are chucked out. 300 people were asked to leave in my friend's office. This is a bad time for him. He just got married this year. And I am getting married next year.

So, yes, I am freaking out. Banks are not doing well all over the world. I am worried this will happen soon in Kolkata as well.

Strategy: My work is good. I have a good rapport with my bosses and seniors. My deliverables are handed in on time, sometimes even before time. So, there's nothing to worry about. Yet that nagging feeling is always there.

Not worried about downturn

Amber Sironzkar is a 25-year old public relations consultant in a leading MNC based in Mumbai, who's worried but not because of the recession.

Pink slip woe: Yes, I am afraid of getting a pink slip.

Why? I am not worried about the current uncertainty in the job market. The real fear is that even in normal cicumstances, if I don't perform upto my senior's expectations, eventually I will lose my job.

Strategy: My effort has and will always be to work hard and achieve my goals, by first achieving monthly, quarterly, and annual targets. I constantly put in that extra effort and will go that extra mile in my professional career.

But in times like these, always be proactive with your work. Take new projects if necessary. And most of all, keep your bosses informed about what you are doing. It helps.


No, not me

Abhilash Scariya, is an instructional designer, working for a MNC in Bangalore. Also, getting ready to be married in December this year, he is confident of not being fired.

Pink slip woe: Honestly, I am not afraid of the pink slip.

Why? Because in our company, my colleagues (those who have been in this company for long) say that lay-offs will start from the US office and then only move to India. Also, it will start with the field guys first, then move on to us.

Strategy: But I can tell this is really playing up in people's minds. See, one thing is clear: everyone is actually working hard and trying to make their presence felt in the team. Finally. Phew!

In my team, people are actually taking less leave, working diligently, and are trying to make themselves indispensable. Not only in my workplace. My friends who are working in other companies are just working like nuts...for peanuts!

I want my money

Vipin Das, a 30-year old software programmer from Hyderabad just completed three years in his company. He plans to get noticed!

Pink slip woe: NO way!

Why? Companies will not want to lay off seasoned people from the organisation. The first people to be laid off are the newbies and the useless ones. So, I am clear.

The only thing I am worried about, is the fact that, I might not get an increment in the coming year. Or worse, I might even get a salary cut soon. The whole office is talking about it, and I don't like it one bit. When is this going to end?!

Strategy: Make this a mantra in your workplace. I will be best friends with my boss. I will make him or her very happy in the next couple of months. That's the only way you can survive. You cannot afford to be invisible now.

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