The movies just got smaller
The movies just got smaller
It's not just the season of Golden Globes and Oscars. The Cellfix festival showcases films that are shot entirely with a cellphone.

New York: Calling all movie directors. This is not just the season for the Golden Globes and the Oscars but it's also the season for the Cellflix festival.

Here no one will roll out the red carpet for the directors, no one will want to know what you are wearing and you can even skip the three-hour epics for this festival showcases films that are shot entirely with a cellphone camera.

The winner has already been declared and it's a 30-second love story shot by a man named Mike Potter.

So what was Mike's budget for this movie?

"Ha well it started at zero," he speaks to CNN from - where else - his cellphone.

Mike said his movie Cheat took half an hour to shoot. Cheat was one of 178 submissions to Ithaca College's Cellflix Festival.

Finalists had footage that they had shot after planting their cellphone cameras on escalators and even under trains.

The 'flick' stars his grandparents - Fred and Rosemary.

"They have an extremely endearing relationship -- and well ok! they had to kiss three times just to get it right," says he when asked why he wanted to shoot a love story that stars his grandparents.

Mike's love story won the $ five thousand prize. However, Potter said that shooting with a film invites a lot of complications.

Well let's be frank, a lot of people have trouble even make a call from their cell phones let alone shoot a film.

So did Mike miss any calls while he was shooting? "Well I think there was one missed call from my girlfriend," he grins.

This may be be Mike Potter's first movie making award but already he's issuing a challenge.

"I challenge Mr Steven Spielberg, the great storyteller, the great filmmaker, to cellphone film battle. Even ET didn't know how to use a cellphone. Let's take away the big budget and the big actors and compete on a smaller screen with smaller pictures," says Mike.

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