Actor turns director Thambi Ramaiah, who won a National Award for his beautiful performance in 'Mynaa', is playing a 85-year-old retired Tamil teacher in 'Neer Paravai', a film directed by Seenu Ramasamy.
The movie produced by Udhayanidhi Stalin's Red Giant Movies has Vishnu and Sunaina as the lead actors. Nandita Das plays a crucial character in 'Neer Paravai', which revolves around the lives of fishermen.
Two Mumbai makeup experts, who were trained in Hollywood, have been roped in to take care of the looks of Thambi. Everyday Thambi is spending two hours for the get-up, it is said.
Seenu, who is said to have inspired from Thoppil Mohammed Meeran's Sahitya Akademy winning novel 'Kadalpurathiley', has penned a few characters of 'Neer Paravai' based on that.
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