Paddy MSP jacks up prices of rice
Paddy MSP jacks up prices of rice

What came as a support for farmers, has spelt doom for consumers. With the Centre raising the minimum support price (MSP) of paddy for the ongoing kharif crop from Rs 1,080 to Rs 1,250 per quintal (common variety), unscrupulous traders have jacked up the price of rice. This despite the fact that the MSP will be paid to farmers after the crop is harvested.

While harvesting is six months away, the price of rice has been raised hitting the middle class and the poor families hard. The parboiled rice which was available at Rs 1,840 a quintal has gone up to Rs 2,000 while the variety being sold at Rs 2,000 per quintal has soared to Rs  2,280. Likewise, white rice which was available at Rs 2,000 per quintal has gone up to Rs 2,400 and the variety that was sold at Rs  3,000 is now priced at Rs 3,500 a quintal.

Pulses, oilseeds: Similar is the situation for pulses after the Centre raised the MSP of oilseeds and pulses by 37 per cent. Although the MSP of key pulses - Tur and Moong - has been deferred, yet the hike in MSP of Arhar had its bearing on Tur and Moong dal.

Price of Moong Dal has been increased by Rs 10 and is now being sold at Rs 70 a kg while Arhar is priced at Rs 76 a kg. Chana dal, which is not much in demand, is sold at Rs 70 a kg while price of Biri has increased to Rs 64 a kg from Rs 54.

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