Music is my meditation
Music is my meditation

Understanding of god

God is nothing but belief and faith. I don’t believe in shallow interactions with him or superficial understanding of god. There are no bargains with him. The only way to connect with him is through prayer and that can only be done if there is true and deep faith.

Religious practices and spiritual beliefs

Since I’m a Muslim, I practise fasting regularly during Ramadan and other religious periods. I believe in prayers and pray to god every day without fail. It may not be a spiritual belief but another way that I think one can connect with god is through charity. I regularly help the needy in as many ways as I can and this has given me a lot of satisfaction in terms of being true to god.

Take on meditation

I believe that meditation is refreshing to the soul and gives immense peace to one’s mind. But to me, more than just closing my eyes and meditating, being involved with music is much more relaxing.

Faith in miracles

I definitely believe in miracles. Human birth is a miracle. The fact that I was born to my mother is a big miracle. Though I have not witnessed any other miracles in life, I’ve seen and heard others’  experiences. So I know they definitely exist. I also equally believe in hard work.

Pilgrimage spots

The birth place of Muhammad and the holiest city of Islam— Mecca is my favourite pilgrimage spot.

(Siraj is a city-based musician who specialises in beatboxing)

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