Magic is not about hocus pocus
Magic is not about hocus pocus
The ninth generation magician, Maneka Sorcar is one of the counted women magicians in the world today. Daughter of P C Sorcar Jr, ..

The ninth generation magician, Maneka Sorcar is one of the counted women magicians in the world today. Daughter of P C Sorcar Jr, she had her first tryst with the hocus pocus since she was a kid.  ‘‘I was born to do magic,’’ she says while speaking to City Express. Maneka along with her father is here in the city to enchant the masses with many of her trickier tricks. She speaks to City Express on how magic cast a spell on her life.Tricks of the trade.Magic cannot be taught, it has to be learnt. It requires dedication. Schools just hone your innate skill. Magic  involves the ability to misdirect the people and it’s scientific, no hocus-pocus. It involves psychological tricks and personal charm.Father’s daughterMy father told me that this is a “one-way traffic” as once I decide to enter the field, I had to dedicate myself fully to this art and not compromise on a heritage that is thousand years old. He was elated, but first he told me that I had to prove that I was a worthy successor.Success mantraI did loads of research and decided to do a trick, which I call ‘Big Bang.’ Only three or four magicians across the world had attempted this and failed as it was extremely risky. I did not discuss the trick with my father. The day I was to perform the trick I told him and he was furious. My mother, on the other hand understood, why I chose it and said I had her blessings, but if I should fail I would not be welcome to the house, as it would bring shame to the family name. My hands and feet were bound for the trick and I had dynamite sticks covering my body. I was then placed in a crate that was later sealed.When it was set ablaze, in just eight seconds the crate and dynamite caught fire and the whole thing exploded. Just when the public was gathering courage to inch forward and inspect the scene, a fire engine came in. My family was relieved to see me driving the engine.Why a risky feat?First, my father wanted me to prove myself. But I guess the main reason why I chose it was because I wanted to show everyone that a girl could be as good a magician as a man. All my life I have heard people telling my father   that he had three daughters and no sons to carry on the legacy. And I took the ‘Big Bang’ challenge to prove them wrong.All in the familyThere were many good women magicians in our family. My great grandmother was a skilled magician. She, however, was scared she would be branded a witch, so she would only perform to really close family. Women are slowly coming out of the closet with society becoming attuned to the changing times.The Sorcar nameWell, the Sorcar name is an ammunition for me against  competition. However with it comes great responsibility, as I have to live up to the name and expectations.Next Big IllusionI plan to do something that defies gravity. To be more precise, I will walk on walls and ceilings in my next big trick. Wedding bellsMarriage is not on my chart as yet. I am yet to find the magician who can cast a spell on me. Besides, I want to build a career first before walking down the aisle.

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