Doctors looking for a liver donor for Deshmukh
Doctors looking for a liver donor for Deshmukh
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsDoctors treating Union Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh for a serious liver ailment are looking for a liver donor to carry out a transplant on him, hospital sources said today.An attempt to harvest liver from a brain dead donor from a government hospital here had proved futile as the man died before doctors could operate on him last night, they said.A team from Global Hospitals, where Deshmukh was admitted on August 6, had planned to retrieve the liver from the 31-year-old donor at the hospital, but he died, forcing them to look for another donor, the sources said."The hospital is looking for a liver donor," they said.Asked whether they were desperately looking for a liver, they said, "In a way, yes."The 67-year-old former Maharashtra Chief Minister had shown signs of improvement and been on and off the ventilator before being prepared for a transplant, the sources said.Deshmukh was brought here from Mumbai in an air ambulance in a critical condition.first published:January 01, 1970, 05:30 ISTlast updated:January 01, 1970, 05:30 IST 
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Doctors treating Union Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh for a serious liver ailment are looking for a liver donor to carry out a transplant on him, hospital sources said today.

An attempt to harvest liver from a brain dead donor from a government hospital here had proved futile as the man died before doctors could operate on him last night, they said.

A team from Global Hospitals, where Deshmukh was admitted on August 6, had planned to retrieve the liver from the 31-year-old donor at the hospital, but he died, forcing them to look for another donor, the sources said.

"The hospital is looking for a liver donor," they said.

Asked whether they were desperately looking for a liver, they said, "In a way, yes."

The 67-year-old former Maharashtra Chief Minister had shown signs of improvement and been on and off the ventilator before being prepared for a transplant, the sources said.

Deshmukh was brought here from Mumbai in an air ambulance in a critical condition.

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