How To
How to Unlock the Beast Transformation in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Are you eager to unleash the power of the Beast Awoken Skill in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2? We’ve got you covered. While it may take some grinding, the process of unlocking Beast for your custom character is super straightforward. In this article, we’ll expl...
What does 'me hoy minoy' mean? Understanding the TikTok Meme
On social media, users have begun saying the phrase “Me hoy minoy”—but what does it mean? If you’re confused, don’t worry. It actually means nothing, as it’s a gibberish phrase from an old episode of Spongebob Squarepants. That hasn’t stopped people from...
How to Find Out if a Page Is Protected in Wikipedia
Wikipedia comes under the top 10 most viewed websites in the world, having billions of monthly readers.[1] X Research source [2] X Research source With such popularity, the wiki faces frequent vandalism. Wikipedia administrators...
7 Reasons Your Toilet Tank Isn’t Filling with Water (& How to Fix It)
If your toilet tank isn’t filling with water after flushing, you may not see any water in the tank at all, which can prevent it from flushing. Or it may run continuously, which can cost you extra money on your water bill. Either way, we’re here to help. W...
What Does a Mouse Mean Spiritually?
The tiny, humble mouse is a spiritual symbol of resourcefulness. They have been looked at as both good and bad omens by different cultures, but what is at the heart of a mouse spiritually speaking? Find out various meanings associated with the mouse havin...
“Do Not Pass Go” Meaning, Usage, and Origin
Have you heard someone use the phrase “do not pass go” in person or on social media and wondered what it meant? Of so, this is the article for you. “Do not pass go” is a phrase from the classic board game Monopoly that has evolved into a slang term that m...
Orange Butterflies: What Do They Mean? A Full Breakdown
Orange butterflies represent excitement, passion, and joy. Seeing an orange butterfly is a sign of being positive and staying focused on your journey. Find out more about how orange butterflies can inspire you to use your inner passion and creativity to e...
"Lolcow" Meaning & Why It's So Controversial
Did you see the term lolcow, probably online, and wonder what it meant? Congratulations! That means you're not associated with an amorphous group of anonymous bullies who troll people online for fun. In a nutshell, a lolcow is someone targeted by online b...
How to Meet Gay People Without a Dating App
Burned out on dating apps? Frustrated with how artificial it all feels, or tired of dealing with flakes? There are better ways to find love than swiping right, especially for gay people, who face unique challenges when it comes to romance. That’s why we t...
Coyote Symbolism & Spiritual Significance When You See One
Coyotes are often connected to transformation and self-reflection. If you see one, it can also mean good luck is headed your way. Coyotes have been central to many myths and folktales, especially in Native American stories. Check out more below about the...
A Parents’ Guide to the Phrase “Mewing” On TikTok
“Mewing,” or the act of pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth to sharpen your jawline, is all the rage on TikTok. Teens left and right are mewing and looksmaxxing in an attempt to look good. But what does that entail? Is it dangerous? What should...
Make Cologne at Home in 5 Easy Steps
Designer colognes are pricey and contain synthetic chemicals. If you’re looking for a cheaper, natural fragrance, why not make cologne at home? With a few ingredients and a little patience, you can craft an amazing-smelling DIY cologne for yourself or as...
What Does the Earth Element Symbolize?
Earth is one of the four classical elements, along with air, fire, and water. Like each of the elements, earth has its own symbolic meanings, and it plays an important role in many different spiritual and philosophical traditions. If you’re interested in...
The Ultimate List of Roadman Slang Terms (& How to Use Them)
A Roadman is a young, wild, possibly gang-related guy from the UK who likes to dabble in illicit things and get up to no good (all while wearing Nikes and a black puffer jacket, of course). And no true roadman is complete without his vast repertoire of sl...
4 Different Ways to Format an SD Card or MicroSD Card to FAT32
If you have a microSD card that you need to format to FAT32, you may be wondering how. MicroSD cards are way too small to fit into an SD card reader, or maybe you're not seeing the FAT32 option when you attempt to format. In this article we'll teach you e...
20 Fun Alternatives to Truth or Dare
Truth or Dare is a classic party game, but even it can get repetitive if you play it often enough. If you’re looking for some fun games like Truth or Dare, we’ve got you covered. We’ve gathered all the best sleepover and party games perfect for those who...