How To
How to Sharpen a Pencil
Sharpening a pencil correctly can be important, especially if you are an artist or just want your handwriting to look smooth. In fact, it can be an artisanal skill. There are several different ways you can sharpen a pencil.
How to Straighten Your Hair Without Chemicals
If you have wavy, curly, or otherwise hard to tame locks, you may stare at people with straight hair enviously and think you'll never be able to have such easy-to-manage hair. Fortunately, straightening your hair without using damaging chemicals and other...
How to Clean Cat and Dog Puke Out of Your Carpet
We love our furry friends, but it can be frustrating when a pile of their vomit ends up on the carpet. If your cat or dog has recently puked on your favorite rug, have no fear! With some simple DIY methods, you can remove fresh vomit, vomit stains, and ev...
How to Paint Aluminum Siding
Instead of replacing old aluminum siding, it is often more cost effective to repaint it. It's a very straightforward process and, provided you can set aside preparation and painting time, it is something most homeowners can do without professional assista...
How to Shave Your Legs
There are as many reasons for leg shaving as there are ways and means to do it. Maybe you just like your legs to be smooth. Or maybe you're a competitive cyclist looking for every aerodynamic edge. No matter what the reason, the fact remains that it's an...
How to Teach Your Cat to Give a Handshake
Contrary to popular belief, cats can be trained to do tricks if you understand how to motivate them. In fact, many cats relish the one-to-one attention that a training session offers and look forward to it. The easiest way to train a cat is to use a click...
How to Increase Your Self Confidence with Positive Daily Practices
When you walk into a room, do you glow with confidence? Do you believe in yourself? If not, we're here to help you go after your dreams and tackle your fears. We'll tell you exactly how to gain self confidence so you can take the world by storm. It’s time...
How to Create a Made Up Word
For fans of the game Balderdash, a board game that combines fibbing and the formation of new words, creating a new word of your own may seem like a breeze. For others, making your mark on the English language probably feels a bit daunting or downright cha...
How to Be Original
You want to be original, but how do you do it? One of the best ways to be original is by embracing who you are without trying to be anyone else. Find the things that make you unique and celebrate them (don’t hide them!). Challenge yourself to think out of...
A Complete Guide to Making Your Own Website
Building a website is a great way to share your ideas and thoughts with the world. But if you've never done one, it can seem daunting. There's all that http-dot-whatever and <tag this=""> and <tag that=""> and how do you get pictures and text in there? We...
How to Look Less Tired When You Wake Up
Whether you stayed up late working or didn’t sleep well the night before, there are many reasons to feel tired in the morning. But that doesn’t mean you need to look tired when you wake up. Puffy, red eyes, uneven skin tone, and dark under-eye circles a...
How to Build a Brick Wall
A DIY brick wall is a budget-friendly and fun project. Whether you're looking to build a garden wall or just learn the fundamentals of bricklaying, we've got you covered. But while the basics of brick and mortar are easy to understand, achieving a profess...
How to See in the Dark
Whether you want to infiltrate a secret base with the other ninjas at midnight, or just drive home from work on dark roads safely, improving your night vision is a matter of training, maintaining good health practices, and protecting your eyes from harm.
How to Catch a Cheating Boyfriend
If you suspect that your boyfriend is cheating on you, your relationship is probably on thin ice. But perhaps you don't want to accuse him until you have proof of an affair. Here are several methods you can use to gather evidence and find out if your hunc...
How to Install the Apache Web Server on a Windows PC
The Apache HTTP Server is one of the most widely used web server softwares available. A web server is the software that powers a website. It is an open-source software that can be run on a large number of different operating systems, including Windows. Th...
How to Naturally Remove Blackheads (Steam and Towel Method)
Blackheads are little bumps that appear on the skin when your hair follicles get clogged with oil, makeup, or dirt. Though annoying, they’re a non-threatening skin condition and can be easily removed with some steam and towels.