What Does a Double Rainbow Mean?
What Does a Double Rainbow Mean?
Majestic, magical, and utterly beautiful—double rainbows are a sight to behold! One rainbow is already impressive, but that second arc can be positively overwhelming. As impressive as this phenomenon is, it has to mean something, right? Double rainbows have significant spiritual and cultural meanings, and we happen to know all of them. Keep reading to find out what seeing a double rainbow could mean for you.
Things You Should Know
  • Spiritually, double rainbows are symbols of hope, faith, and prosperity.
  • Many believe that seeing a double rainbow in real life or a dream is a sign of a great spiritual awakening or transformation.
  • In some cultures, rainbows are bridges or connections to the heavens, gods, or higher powers.

What do double rainbows symbolize spiritually?

Hope More often than not, double rainbows (and rainbows in general) are signs of hope. These beautifully colorful arches evoke happy feelings, making you believe the impossible is possible. All in all, rainbows help you believe you can do anything—all you have to do is believe.

Good luck Double rainbows are symbols of prosperity and good fortune. If you see a double rainbow, chances are the universe is working in your favor! Luck is coming your way, so buy that lottery ticket or ask out your crush.

New beginnings Seeing a double rainbow could signify that a new chapter in your life is about to begin. A double arch is often used to represent growth or motivation; therefore, hinting at new possibilities that are just around the corner. So, if you see a double rainbow, consider taking a leap and applying for a new job or talking to someone new.

Spiritual awakening Double rainbows are strong spiritual symbols, and seeing one could be a sign that you’re on a spiritual journey. In many cultures, double rainbows are signs that the gates between the spirit realm and physical world have opened, providing you with stronger intuition and spiritual power.

Double Rainbow Cultural Meanings

In Chinese culture, double rainbows represent prosperity. Many Chinese myths and legends show rainbows providing good luck and fortune to weary travelers. If someone sees a double rainbow, luck is on their side.

In Norse mythology, a double rainbow symbolizes Bifrost. Bifrost is the rainbow bridge connecting Asgard with Midgard (Earth). This bridge brings together the land of the divine and the physical world; therefore, double rainbows are symbols of connection and unity.

In Irish folklore, rainbows mean leprechauns are near. The happy leprechaun on your Lucky Charms cereal box isn’t just something the company made up. In Ireland, leprechauns are real myths, and these mystical creatures live at the end of a rainbow.

In Celtic mythology, rainbows symbolize paths to different realms. These rainbow bridges connect you to a greater divine power. According to legend, double rainbows help you leave your physical body to explore the spirit realm. Similarly, in Japanese culture, rainbows are Floating Bridges of Heaven where creators of the world can descend.

In Greek mythology, rainbows are symbols of the goddess Iris. Iris delivers messages between Heaven and Earth; therefore, rainbows represent communication and connectivity.

In Native American culture, rainbows connect the spirit with nature. Double rainbows can have different meanings for each Indigenous tribe, but they typically all revolve around one thing: the spirit. Many Native Americans believe that rainbows represent the balance and duality of life between the spiritual and physical world. For instance, the Huron legend “Why the Leaves Have Many Colors” tells a tale of animals crossing a rainbow bridge and changing the colors of the leaves in the fall.

In the Bible, double rainbows are symbols of God. These beautiful double arches are a sign of His love, grace, and goodness. If you’re Christian and see a double rainbow, it’s most likely a sign from the heavens reminding you to have faith—God is always watching. Alternatively, rainbows are also signs of the covenant. For instance, in the story of Noah’s Ark, a rainbow appears over the ark after the great flood. This symbol reassures Noah that God is still there.

Double Rainbows in Dreams

Dreams about a double rainbow could be messages of change. More often than not, dreaming about a rainbow is often a sign that you’re undergoing a personal or spiritual journey. Dreams are individual, so the meaning of your dream may not be the same as a friend's. Even so, take a look at these common interpretations to find out what your dream might mean: If the double rainbow is missing colors, you may be missing something in your life (such as happiness, adventure, or creativity). If you see yourself standing under a double rainbow, listen to what you say carefully because you may be receiving a message from your higher self. If you’re walking toward a double rainbow, you may be undergoing a transformation and paving a path of personal growth. If you see a double rainbow in a happy dream, your dreams may be manifesting—luck is on your side. If the double rainbow is over water, it could mean you're about to travel, go somewhere new, or move physically.

Double Rainbows & Love

In love, a double rainbow represents happiness. Seeing a double rainbow with your partner or crush is often a good omen. The universe is telling you, “This one’s a keeper!” or “You’re on the right path.” The positive energy from a double rainbow shows that you’re content and happy within the relationship (and so are they!).

A double rainbow means you’re near your twin flame. Twin flames, also known as “mirror souls,” are 2 bodies with the same soul. In other words, a single soul is split into 2 bodies. Double rainbows are physical representations of this spiritual dynamic, as the colorful arches mirror and parallel each other. So, if you spot a double rainbow, it may be a sign that your twin flame is near. Recognize your twin flame by noticing if you have a lot in common and feel a deep spiritual connection with any friends. Want to know if you’ve already met your twin flame? Take our quiz to find out!

What to Do If You See a Double Rainbow

Meditate If you see a double rainbow, take it as a sign to practice a few moments of mindfulness. Close your eyes and meditate, or take in your surroundings. Minimize all distractions and let your spirit be one with the Earth. Be mindful by mentally scanning your body from head to toe. What sensations are you feeling at the current moment? Focus on your breathing while you meditate. Let thoughts come and go, acknowledging your thought pattern. Try a walking meditation. Walk 10 to 20 ft (3.0 to 6.1 m) and focus on what the ground feels like as you move.

Pray If you’re religious or spiritual, use a double rainbow as a sign to pray or make a wish. Some believe rainbows are a sign from the heavens—someone or something is watching over you. Take this as an opportunity to ask for guidance, hope, or luck. Target your wish to God, a guardian angel, or whoever you normally pray to. If you’re not religious or spiritual, use this moment to close your eyes and set an intention. What do you hope to gain in the next few days? What do you need more of in life? For example, let’s say you’re hoping to get a promotion or your intention is “I will succeed at my career.” Seeing a double rainbow could be a good omen that your wish is about to come true.

Reflect Spotting a double rainbow could be a reminder to have faith. Many believe double rainbows are spiritual or divine symbols of faith and hope. If you see a double rainbow, take a moment to reflect on what you want and need in life—what’s best for your well-being? For instance, perhaps you’re struggling to accept yourself. Seeing a double rainbow could be a sign from above that you’re beautiful inside and out. As another example, maybe you’re feeling sad or out of sorts lately. A double rainbow can signify that there’s always hope, even after the darkest storm clouds. So, use this as an opportunity to start making healthy choices and improve your mental health.

How are double rainbows made?

Double rainbows form when light reflects off water twice. Normally, a rainbow is made when sunlight strikes water droplets (rain, fog, sea spray, or waterfalls) at a 42-degree angle. The reflection of light creates an optical illusion, painting the sky in a colorful arc. A double rainbow is made similarly, except the reflection and refraction of light happens 2 times instead of 1. The outermost arc of a double rainbow is typically lighter in color because of this. The farther the arc is from the original reflection, the more faded it’ll appear.

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