- Hearing 3 knocks when no one is there could be “the 3 knocks of death,” a sign someone you’re close with has passed away or that bad news is coming.
- Knocking may also be a signal that you’re aligned with or need to re-embrace your authentic self again.
- Knocking on wood is meant to bring you good luck and prevent bad things from happening to you.
What does it mean when you hear 3 knocks?
Someone you know may pass away. If you hear 3 knocks on the door, wall, or window in quick succession but there’s nobody there, it could be “the 3 knocks of death.” Some people believe that the knocking is the ghost or spirit of the person who’s about to pass away while others believe it’s a warning from the spirit world. Hearing death knocking on the door is believed to be more common in the winter because more people are likely to get sick in the cold.
You may receive bad news in 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months. Rather than the knocks symbolizing something happening at that moment, it may be a warning from the spirit world of something negative happening in the future. Stay aware of the news exactly 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months from when you first heard the knocking to see if any incidents align. Something bad happening after hearing 3 knocks may just be a coincidence. When you hear the knocking, you may be more aware of the news or looking for a correlation when there isn’t one in reality.
Spirits may be trying to communicate with you. If you’re hearing knocking or banging sounds from inside your home without a reason, ghosts or spirits might want your attention. The spirits may not have a specific message to tell you, but they want you to be aware of their presence. Most spirits are benevolent and mean no harm, and their energy may just be trapped inside. Other signs there are ghosts in your home include strange localized odors, whispering voices, faulty electronics, or objects randomly disappearing. If you hear 3 knocks in a dream, it may also be a sign that spirits are trying to deliver a message to you. An evil spirit may knock or pound on a wall 3 times as a sign of disrespect to the Holy Trinity. Other signs of a malevolent spirit may be sudden uneasy feelings when you enter a room. Three is the number of unity, of everything coming together or full circle. That's why there's a superstition of everything happening in 3s, and why spirits often speak to us under the guise of 3, like 3 knocks (something isn't complete until it happens 3 times).
You’re becoming your more authentic self. The number 3 represents creativity and confidence, so hearing 3 knocks in quick succession may also be a sign that you’re reconciling with all your strengths, weaknesses, wants, and needs. If you’ve been working on building your self-confidence or acting like your true self, then the spirit world may be telling you to keep it up so you can be the most authentic version of yourself. If you’ve felt like you’ve been straying away from who you are deep down or putting on a false front, then 3 knocks may be a warning that you should start focusing on the person you truly are instead.
What is the spiritual meaning of knocking 3 times?
Knocking 3 times can be a way to ask for guidance from a higher power. If you’re looking for guidance from God or other spirits, then try knocking on a door 3 times to ask for what you want. Keep yourself open and receptive to the spirits so you can hear their guidance or advice when you’re going through a tough time. Three knocks can also represent hope, revelation, or divine intervention.
What does knocking on wood mean?
Knocking on wood is said to bring you good luck. If a person says that something bad might happen and you have no control over it, try knocking on wood 3 times as a ritual for good luck. The superstition originated from Pagans who believed spirits lived in trees, and knocking on wood alerts them to protect you from harm. Even if knocking on wood doesn’t actually prevent a bad thing from happening, doing it can help you feel more relaxed and less afraid of the situation.
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