How to Take Care of a Shih Tzu
How to Take Care of a Shih Tzu
Shih Tzu are descended from royal Chinese dogs and were originally bred to be great companions.[1]
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While they may look regal and delicate, they are actually lively, energetic, and fun dogs that can be a great family pet. In order to bring a Shih Tzu into your family and have it thrive, you will need to take care of its coat, its behavior, and its health on a regular basis.

Grooming a Shih Tzu

Bathe and brush your dog. There is no set frequency and over-bathing can dry out the skin and coat. Around once a month is considered a good compromise, with some dogs needing bathing more frequently and others less — depending on how dirty your dog gets. You will also need to brush or comb their hair at least once daily in order to prevent matting of the fur. Shih Tzu have a coat of hair, not fur. This means that their coat will not shed. Just like human hair, Shih Tzu hair needs to be taken care of or it will become a knotted mess. Pay particular attention to the hair around your dog's eyes. If you leave their hair long, you will need to tie the hair around their eyes up. This will help to keep the hair out of their eyes and out of their food and water dishes.

Trim the dog's hair regularly. Because Shih Tzu don't shed, their hair can grow very, very long. Take the time to have your dog's hair cut so that it does not become unmanageable. If you are not showing your Shih Tzu, consider giving it a short "puppy" cut, instead of the classic long show coat for ease of care. Pay particular attention to the dog's eye area but be careful when using scissors around your them! It's important to trim the hair around their eyes so that your dog's eyes stay clean and so that they can see but it can be difficult to keep them still enough. Just take your time and be cautious. You may even want to recruit a helper to hold your pup still.

Take your Shih Tzu to a professional groomer if you can't take care of the dog's grooming yourself. Shih Tzu should be groomed at least every two or three weeks for optimal health. If you like to groom your Shih Tzu yourself but can't do it every other week, try taking your pup to the groomers in between times you do it yourself.

Training a Shih Tzu

Socialize your Shih Tzu. Let it meet other dogs from a very early point in its life. Doing this allows your dog to become more social and also lets it experience life outside the house. Take your dog to town now and then so it doesn't become scared of cars, lights, noises, and other people. Also expose them early to other things that can rile up small dogs, such as skateboards and bicycles. The more they see and interact with a variety of life experiences, the more comfortable they should be.

Train your Shih Tzu in basic obedience skills. They can have a 'holier than thou' attitude, which makes it a bit tougher to train them. Use treats to help train them. Be patient, and stay consistent. In particular Shih Tzus are notorious for having house breaking problems. Use positive reinforcement, not punishment, and stay patient with your dog.

Get your dog a teething ring if it's a puppy. This breed tends to chew a lot in their early years, but with proper training, you can stop the habit. Remember that no matter what, your Shih Tzu will bite in the early stages. It's completely normal, but don't let him/her get used to it!

Keeping a Shih Tzu Healthy

Exercise your dog as much as possible. Shih Tzu may be small dogs, but they still need a place to stretch their legs and play. This breed loves to play, so buy (or make) some toys, and make sure to go to the dog park as often as you can. Despite their sometimes delicate appearance, Shih Tzus are sturdy dogs and they don't mind getting a little dirty every now and then. Remember that dogs who nip and go crazy inside the house may need more exercising outside! Exercise not only helps a dog's body but it can also help their mind.

Give your Shih Tzu healthy dog food. Keep in mind that some Shih Tzu have allergies or stomach sensitivities. If you try a brand of dog food that doesn't seem to agree with your dog, try changing it. If you continue having problems, check with your vet for a recommendation of a good 'breed specific' brand of food.

Take the Shih Tzu to the vet once a year for basic health care. As with any pet, your goal should be for your Shih Tzu to be happy and healthy and your veterinarian is the best person to help you achieve that goal. You need to make sure that your dog's health care needs are taken care of on a regular basis. Important veterinary procedures include, but are not limited to, vaccination, control of internal and external parasites, neutering, and microchipping.

Look for breed specific health problems. With this breed, frequent vet visits are even more important because they are prove to a variety of unique health issues. This includes hip dysplasia, Von Willebrand disease, and Autoimmune Haemolytic Anaemia. Shih Tzu are prone to eye problems like Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), a group of diseases that attack certain breeds of dogs. It is characterized by the bilateral degeneration of the retina, basically progressive vision loss culminating in blindness. Be alert for the dog bumping into things, not spotting where a toy is, or sudden loss of confidence in novel situations. Shih Tzu are also prone to disc problems and back pain. While back problems are genetic in these dogs, as so they can't always be avoided, you should do a few things to limits the possibility of injury. First and foremost, minimize the risk of a slipped disc by not allowing your dog to jump from heights and keep them slim. Also, if your dog seems to be in pain take them to the vet. A veterinarian can assess the health of your dog and manage their pain at the very least.

Try to brush your dog's teeth. Shih Tzu can have issues with their teeth, including missing or misaligned teeth from birth. Brushing their teeth when you brush yours is a good idea. Just like humans, they can get gingivitis and plaque build up, leading to infections or tooth loss. In the worst cases, they can lose the ability to eat due to mouth infections.

Remember to take care of your dog's other daily needs. Make sure that there is water out for your pup to drink whenever they get thirsty. Take your dog to the bathroom. Like us, dogs need to go to the bathroom to stay healthy. You should also trim your pup's nails every week or two.

Give your Shih Tzu lots of love! Every dog needs love. Pet them and praise them on a regular basis. Even if you just let them sit in your lap while you read or watch TV, it shows them that you care.

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