How to Store Tulip Bulbs
How to Store Tulip Bulbs
Tulips are hearty flowers that bloom in full force in the springtime. Most times, tulips are best when their bulbs are left in the ground year round, but your climate may not cooperate. If you live in an area with warm winters or you bought bulbs in the spring, you may have to store your bulbs so they’re ready to bloom next season.

Removing the Bulbs

Cut the stems off the bulb with pruning shears after the flower dies. Once your flower has lost its flowers, use a pair of pruning shears to cut the flowering stem off the bulb. This helps prevent the bulb from using more energy than it needs to. Trim as close to the base of the bulb as you can. Keep the leaves on your tulips. These help store energy for the next season.

Pull bulbs once the leaves yellow and die. After its blooming period, the leaves of your tulip will take about 6 weeks to yellow and die. In this time, the bulb is gathering the energy it needs from the sun in order to bloom in the next spring season. Once all the leaves have died, you can dig the bulb from the ground or pot. Do not overwater the bulbs as the leaves die. An occasional rain is okay, but if the soil is too wet, the bulbs will start to rot. Loosen the soil around the bulb with a garden shovel and pull the bulb out of the ground.

Remove the leaves and roots at the base of the bulb. The leaves should be easy to remove by hand since they have died. Otherwise, use a pair of pruning shears or sharp scissors to cut off the leaves and the roots. Cut as close to the bulb as you can without damaging it.

Clean the dirt off the bulbs with a paper towel. Wipe the outer layer of the bulbs with a dry paper towel. Remove any soil or worms that may be present. This also helps the bulbs dry faster. The outer layer of the bulb may be dying if it is browned or shows signs of rot, so gently rub it with the paper towel in order to remove it.

Dry the bulbs on a tray in a cool, dry place for 2 days. Keep the bulbs in a dry place out of the sun for 2 days. Storing the tray inside your garage or a shaded area outside will work the best. If bulbs are stored in the sun or in moist conditions, the bulb will retain the moisture and develop rot.

Throw away any discolored or diseased bulbs. Sort through the bulbs you’ve collected and check for any discoloration that would suggest rot or disease. Tulip bulbs should look full and hard rather than being soft and shriveled. Small spots of rot may be removed with a sharp knife sterilized with household disinfectants, such as diluted bleach, rubbing alcohol, or white vinegar.

Storing Bulbs Properly

Wrap each bulb in newspaper. Wrap the bulbs individually with small pieces of newspaper. The newspaper helps store some moisture as well as maintain the bulbs at a consistent temperature. You can also store the bulbs in sphagnum moss or sawdust for a similar effect.

Place the bulbs in a mesh bag. A mesh bag allows air to flow to the bulbs while they are being stored. You can reuse an old onion bag rather than purchasing a new mesh bag. Alternatively, you can use a paper bag or a cardboard box to keep the bulbs out of the light.

Keep the bulbs in a dark, dry place for up to 12 weeks. A garage or cellar are perfect spots to store the bulbs, as long as the temperatures do not drop below freezing. Keep the bulbs away from light or else they will prematurely start to grow.

Store the bulbs in the crisper drawer of a fridge if you live in a warm climate. If the temperatures do not drop below 50 °F (10 °C), you may have to chill the bulbs in a refrigerator. Keep the bulbs in the crisper drawer so the fridge light does not shine on them. Avoid storing tulip bulbs with apples or other fruits since they release ethylene gas that could kill the flower inside the bulb.

Check for any shriveled or moldy bulbs every 2 weeks. Keep an eye on your bulbs while you store them. If the newspapers or your storage materials are rotten or moldy, remove and replace them. If the bulbs look wrinkled or shrunken from before, use a spray bottle to gently mist them.

Plant the bulbs in fall before the first frost. Tulips are usually planted 6 to 8 weeks before the first frost, but can be planted in the early spring in time for them to bloom. Plant the bulbs in September or October if you have cold winters. If you need to chill your bulbs, plant them in late February or early March.

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