How to Sign a Yearbook
How to Sign a Yearbook
Deciding what to write in someone's yearbook can be tricky. Consider how you know the yearbook owner and try to personalize your message. Write about an inside joke, a memory you shared, or simply tell the person to enjoy their summer. Keep in mind that anyone can read your entry, so keep it clean and be nice and respectful. Most likely, people will remember you by what you write in their yearbooks, so spend some time thinking about what you will write before yearbooks are handed out.

Writing Thoughtful Messages

Consider whose book you're signing. Are they a good friend, a best friend, or just someone you've seen around in the halls? Write your message accordingly. Be honest but nice. For friends, write an inside joke or a memory you have together. You can also write a sweet message like "Dear Alexis, I had an awesome time getting to know you this year, you're a great person and an amazing friend. I will miss you so much! Can't wait to see you again next year! XOXO, Michele.” For acquaintances, keep it simple. Write “hope you had a good year” or “have a terrific summer.” Don't say something like “I had so much fun with you this year” if that's not the case. For teachers, simply thank them and sign your name. Be sure to spell the yearbook owner's name properly. If you can't remember their name or don't know how to spell it, just write "Yo" or "Hey!"

Keep it short and sweet. Apportion the space according to how well you know the yearbook's owner; more space for a closer friendship, a whole lot less for a class acquaintance with whom you've had very little to do. Perhaps apply a rule about space usage: For example, use about two inches by three inches if he or she is someone you know moderately well, and four by four inches if he or she is your absolute best friend.

Use neat handwriting. If what you add is messy, the owner won't be able to understand your witticisms or pearl or wisdom. If it's legible, then he/she will remember how cool you were and who you were.

Sign the yearbook quickly. Don't hog the book all day; it is both annoying and obstructive to take a yearbook and not return it for twenty minutes. There are many people wanting to add their two cents worth too. If you want to be witty and that comes slowly to you, think about what you might add before the yearbooks come out. You could even write out a list of ideas for specific people you really want to say something special to.

Writing Something Memorable

Make an inside joke. You want to make others smile when they read your message, so add a fun greeting or joke to your message. For good friends, reference a moment that made you laugh together. It will be fun to read the entry years later and remember the good times. You can also choose a fun opening line.

Write about a memorable moment you had together. These will be fun to read in the future. Writing something like “Remember when Mr. Thompson caught the exam key on fire during chemistry?” shows you recall sharing a special moment with the yearbook owner.

Add a quote. Choose a favorite quote to add to your message – something like “Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today,” (James Dean) or “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars,” (Les Brown).

Write song lyrics. Jot down a few lines to a favorite song if they are relevant to your relationship with the yearbook owner. It will be fun for the person to look back and see words to a song they listened to in school. Don't take up a whole page to write out the entire song, though.

Draw a picture. If you're a good artist, draw a quick picture and sign your name, rather than writing a message. Keep it clean and classy so you don't offend the owner.

Add a signature phrase. Come up with a signature phrase to write in yearbooks. Ideas include “This year has been a blast and has gone too fast!” “I can't wait to see what next year brings!” "Remember Grant; remember Lee? To heck with them, remember me!" or even "It tickles me and makes me laugh, to think you want my autograph." If you want to be cheeky, you can say something like "I'm so glad you got to meet me this year."

Make your entry pop. Use different colors, write in a fun script, or make a border to make it look cool. He/she may think that you didn't really care about signing their yearbook if you don't show it.

Using Good Judgement

Don't tease or make fun of other students or the yearbook owner. Always be nice and respectful with your message. If you don't have something nice to say, just sign your name or add a generic statement like “enjoy your summer.” People will remember you by what you write in their yearbook, and no one wants to be the one who wrote negative comments in 8th grade like "Better luck next year."

Keep it clean. Don't use profanity or make inappropriate jokes. Though you may think it's funny now, chances are it won't be amusing in 10-20 years. Plus, teachers sometimes are asked to sign yearbooks and the last thing you want is to get into trouble right before school lets out for the summer.

Avoid confessions. Yearbook signing is not an opportunity to pour your heart out to the person you've been crushing on all year. You will likely be embarrassed by this later, especially if the person you confess to doesn't read or respond to your message.

Don't use acronyms. Though you may be tempted to write H.A.G.S. (have a great summer) or S.Y.N.Y. (see you next year), you should avoid using acronyms. In 20 years when people are looking back through their yearbooks, they will probably have no idea what these acronyms mean. Take the time to spell out your well-wishes rather than abbreviating them.

Sign your full name. Use your full name, rather than your initials, when signing someone's yearbook. In the future, they may not remember who J.D. is, especially if there's a Jessica Davis, John Duncan, and a Josie Daniels in the yearbook. Write your full first name and at least the first letter of your last name as well.

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