How to Draw a Treble Clef
How to Draw a Treble Clef
Many people read music, but it's very difficult to record it if you don't know how to draw a treble clef (also known as the G-clef). This symbol is needed for most musical voices (soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, and tenor), most woodwind instruments, stringed instruments (violin, guitar) and high brass instruments such as the trumpet. It also typically corresponds to the notes played with the right hand on the piano. This article will show you how to draw it correctly.

Get a piece of music paper. Music paper has five lines and four spaces in between. If you don't have any music paper, just draw five evenly spaced horizontal lines with a ruler. Make sure to draw the lines neat if you don't have music paper,so it comes out right

Draw a vertical line. Make sure it's intersecting all of the lines from the music paper. It should be a little longer, so that it hangs off both ends.

Make the line a "P". Draw a semi-circle at the top of the vertical line that ends at the second horizontal line down. Now it should look like a long and skinny "P".

Continue across the vertical line and make another semi-circle. This new line should curve around the other side of the vertical line and intersect it again at the last horizontal line.

Continue to make the previous semi-circle into a spiral. You're essentially making a semi-circle that's slightly smaller than the previous one. Make it so that the top goes a little over the third horizontal line.

Finish the spiral. The spiral should end on the second (from the bottom) horizontal line, which indicates the note "G".

Draw a tail at the end. Go to the end of the first line you drew, and draw a little line going off of it as shown.


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