How to Do a Ronaldo Chop
How to Do a Ronaldo Chop
The Ronaldo Chop, named for soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo who pioneered the move, is a simple trick you can use while dribbling down the field. The Ronaldo Chop lets you quickly change directions, leaving defenders going the wrong way and giving you space to keep up your attack.

Doing the Chop

Leap over the top of the ball. This isn't a big jump, more of a hop-step to let you get your feet in the right position for the trick. This is a trick you do while running, so you may need to slow down slightly before your leap in order to keep the ball close by. Don't take too much time to slow down, maybe a step or two, or else the defender will know something is coming. If you go too high, the defender will take advantage, and knock the ball away.

Land your feet properly. Each of your feet will do something different here, so they need to be positioned in the right way. Make sure you know which foot is your dominant one (the one you use for passing and shooting) before doing this trick. Your non-dominant foot should land in front of the ball. Make sure it is between the ball and the defender, so you can shield the ball and prevent him from tackling it away. Your dominant foot should swing out to the side, landing at a 45 degree angle from the direction you are running in. This is the foot you will use to hit the ball. If your foot is facing forward, you will push the ball sideways, which isn't good. You want to keep going forward, towards the goal. If you get confident using your dominant foot, you can try practicing with your other leg. This can give you more options on the field, and make you more unpredictable on the attack.

Hit the ball with the inside of your dominant foot. Your foot should swing behind your other leg. This should happen at the same moment your feet land on the ground, to keep things moving quickly. This should push the ball forward, but at a different angle than you were moving before. Keep your contact with the ball light, just a tap, and no follow-through. You are only changing the ball's direction, not sending it somewhere else on the field. As you practice, you should become more consistent with the direction of your kick. This will help you know how to move your body following the move. With some extra practice, you can begin to change the angle of your foot slightly to create even greater changes in direction. This is especially useful if you see certain parts of the field you want to run towards, which won't always be in the same direction.

Sprint after the chop. Once you make your move, and go the other way, the defender will be confused and take a moment to catch up. Don't waste any time, start running as fast as you can in this new direction to find space and set up your next move.

Knowing When to Use the Chop

Dribble down the field. This is a quick move for changing direction, and is only effective if you are already running one way. Standing still removes the element of surprise.

Be on the attack. This is not a trick you should try in your own defensive end. You want to be facing a defender who is moving backwards, or at least trying to cut you off. This will make it easier for the Chop to put him off-balance.

Chop on the wing. This is a popular move for wingers, since you will probably be isolated against a single defender when you attack, and will have room to move when you cut back. The center of the field is much more crowded, and you may change direction right into another defender.

Make sure the defender is moving. This move works because it happens very quickly. A defender running towards you won't be able to change his momentum, meaning he'll be going the wrong way. If the defender is standing still, he can track your movement, and follow you more quickly.

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